Tuesday 13 September 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH9KBUUYClA

Barry and Ross do some weird screen rotation and config stuff and talk about the Dead Or Alive VR demo. Wow... a game about ogling girls but the girls don't want you to ogle them? Why don't they like it in VR world?! Who'd pay all that money just to have VR girls reject them? I don't get it.

Some figures appear as if in a dream sequence or something of a dad and his daughter in a tug of war. They do their voices and have the dad be angry that his daughter is making fun of his pink shirt. Maybe it got mixed in the laundry with the girl's red outfit like in the Simpsons :)

Wow, Ross makes a really good observation :)

Ah that path sliding was pretty cool.

It goes back to pregnant lady simulator. Barry makes her dance :)

A beach towel tampon? Are you nuts Ross?! lol

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