Thursday 15 September 2016



Arin and Danny move on to "Promenade on a cold black night" by Conchita. Love the title of this stage :)

Oh wow. Another great idea where you play the stage offscreen but there's a copy of the level itself onscreen you can use as a guide! Brilliant idea altogether :)

After completion, they move on to "Mario's Amusing Coin Hunt" by Carlos. Looks lovely from the thumbnail, like it's Pac-Land or something.

Love the funfair theme for this level :)

AAAahhhhh! Bumper car Wigglers! That was soooo cute!

Spiny shooting gallery too! Take that Spinies!

Ohhhh double wow. The ferris wheel plays the coin heaven theme. This is very much like how Super Mario Bros. 3 actually is :)

Yes Danny, dangereux :)

Ahh! The ghost house is startling, yet harmless. Excellent thinking on that one!

The swingy boat thing is here too, as is the roller coaster!

They should've put a star on that level!!!

They go on to "House of the 15 Challenges" by Julian.

Lots of platforming challenges here alright. It's kind of like the Wario Land 2/3 style where you miss something and have to loop back to try it again.

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