Wednesday 28 September 2016



Barry and Ross did some more levelling :/ ah well. I guess it's true the dungeons aren't that interesting, but when dungeons are like mazes and there are random encounters all the time it can be very disorienting.

Hey, SuperMega didn't put up a map like Barry asked :(

They face Mondo Mole and defeat it handily enough. The amount of buffs it was doing was getting kinda scary though.

No problem I can explain! Lilliput is the name of the land in Gulliver's Travels that had all the tiny people.

Aw the Mighty Bear looks too nice to be an enemy :) then again, I guess bears in real life can be cute too. They give it a nice friendly voice :)

They backtrack to Twoson and go to the Runaway Five show. Barry does the show business dialogue stuff really well :)

They make it to Threed! I always loved the bus driving sequence with the music :)

This Let's Play is turning out really well!

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