Friday 9 September 2016



King Danny Sexbang royally appears before the video to announce that the video for Ninja Sex Party's 6969 song is up on the ninjasexparty YouTube channel! Can't wait to see :)

Ninja Brian's there too, only we can't see him because... you know.

Arin and Danny play Super Mario Maker some more! They go on to "I Can Change The Future!" by Mikey. Is this a Xenoblade reference? Ah... it is :) there's the Shulk costume.

I went through the exact same Googling check Danny just went through to confirm Tom Shields' name! He's a Game Grumps fan who won gold in the Rio Olympics for swimming. Yay :)

By the way, this stage is so cool. The premonitions appear in closed off boxes and give clues on how to beat the level. Great idea and a lovely tribute to Shulk's Monado ability!

The one with the POW blocks and the doorbell has a really good feeling to it.

Mixing up Tom Shields' name becomes a running joke for the rest of the episode!

Huh... interesting bit of trivia about the Olympic Village there...

Just watched the Polish female winner of the hammer toss and the female weightlifters in Rio... wow! What lovely big teddy bear women they are :) swoon!

That would be pretty cool to see... whatshisname on the show :) he could talk about this "Village"!

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