Saturday 24 September 2016



Arin and Danny appear before the video for another Game Grumps Live! promo! Danny puts up his hair and calls himself a naughty cockatiel and everything! That's a funny bit at the end where Danny reveals a secret that's not real. Hahaha.

Arin and Danny continue to play despite Arin's seething rage!

They add "precalculate" to the "I'm gonna pree" joke and it's pretty funny :)

Danny gets more points on the next hole too so Arin is no less ragesome!

Very erratic terrain on one of the courses. Arin tells a funny story about a censored lyric from a song on the radio and saying to his dad "the context makes sense!". Imagine hearing that from a little kid! Funny :)

Poor Arin... he just goes "noooo... noooo" like a lost cat. Oh man it's hopeless now... Poor guy!

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