Thursday 22 September 2016



Arin and Danny appear before the video with a bait and switch announcement! You think Arin's defecated his pants but nope! It's an announcement of times for the ticket sales of Game Grumps Live! Woo!

Arin and Danny are back on course! I didn't notice the Waddle Dees were altered to look like monkeys! I always loved the way Danny made Arin annoyed by calling them monkeys whenever they play Kirby games!

Arin has a pro tip, pressing A when rolling or bouncing. He's so upset with the idea of losing that he mixes up Huckleberry Finn with Oliver Twist!

Lol, "virutal tie".

That shot into the hole is a pretty difficult one to get and so risky too! They both miss it so many times and it makes for a long episode as it makes them scramble for stars too!

Wow... 14 episode recording sessions. I know that they do this alright but wow. Sometimes I write loads of posts a day but it can't be as exhausting as recording stuff like this.

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