Friday 1 September 2017

super mario 64 green demon challenge part 1 - a terrifying game of keep away


Arin and Danny appear before the video to talk about the European tour with Jacksepticeye.

Arin and Danny take on the classic Green Demon challenge of legend! I loved the original video where those two Japanese guys played keep away from the 1-up Mushroom that follows you :)

Arin explains the challenge to Danny. He introduces it very well :) They start in Bob-omb Battlefield.

That big "FAIL" stamp comes up a lot!

They sing the Muppet Babies theme song. I remember watching it as a kid but I don't have any specific memories or highlights from the show.

It can be a terrifying and awesome challenge! Lots of screaming from them both when it gets close!

That red coin on the slope is really difficult to collect because you have to slide to get it at full speed.

"IT'S LEARNING!". Actually, it gets stuck in corners, but it doesn't lessen the impact, looking like it's ready to turn and pounce!

They're loving this challenge and so am I!

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