Saturday 2 September 2017

super mario 64 green demon challenge part 2 - cold dark lifeless eyes


Arin and Danny try to figure out how to get the red coin on the floating island while the green demon chases.

Cold, dark, lifeless eyes indeed Danny! The weird thing is that this lifeless thing grants an extra life :P

Lots of scary close calls! Lots of rattling of nerves! Great fun though :)

Yes you have to stand still before the "Exit Course" option comes up in the pause menu.

Ah I love the idea of the tyre screeching sound effect when they panic and have to run away screaming from the green demon :)

Danny gives a shout out to an animation his friend made called "Extinguished". It's by Ashley Anderson and Jacob Mann. It's a lovely lovely little story about a lonely guy who's afraid to open up his heart to a girl he meets due to being disappointed in the past. And yes it has a good ending :) It's so heartwarming!

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