Wednesday 3 August 2016



Suzy, Barry and Arin go into Remix I, where you defeat 10 enemies in Mario 3 as Star Man Mario. It gets fierce between Arin and Barry!

Then it's back to Dr Mario. That moving virus throws everyone off!

Back to Remix I then with the Mario son clones "Don't talk to me or my sons ever again". Nice reference Suzy :)

Next is Kirby remixed into Mario, collecting coins. Very refreshing remix!

Kevin puts up the win scores so far along with a wall of text that's impossible to read without super YouTube video pausing skills. A kind commenter by the name of "Emissary of Wind" transcribed it and I'll paste it here too:

"Okay, so Arin sat out for a certain amount of games then gave a win to Barry but took it back or something. Nobody has played in ALL rounds yet but...they definitely played 12. (I think)"

Thanks "Emissary of Wind"! Actually... I think that's Barry's text rather than Kevin's? It's the colour he normally uses when he's editing.

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