Wednesday 19 October 2016



September! The month of Dream Coursing and EarthBounding and Deadly Premonitioning.

Poor Ross almost throws his back out. One of the SuperMega guys is like 20. That's pretty cool :/

Lots of "preeing" this month.

Those twins still look freakier than the ones in The Shining.

It was really funny when Danny mixed up Tom Shields with Todd Shields! Ah yeah, those genius puzzle with clue Mario Maker levels. Very well done.

Lots of "concluding" too. This is the month where it all started :)

Oh that truck roof jumping game was something else. Great idea for a challenge though.

Loved that weird Engrish sign in the supermarket in the Deadly Premonition game :)

I was so happy when Barry and Ross started EarthBound :) It's turning out to be a great series too. Deadly Premonition isn't an easy watch but it can be cosy with Arin and Danny's company. Grump's Dream Course is very very cosy and comforting :) This is good because weather's getting cold and it's time for cosy!

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