Tuesday 18 October 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJXMirI7ONo

Ross and Barry proceed from the wrestling stage to the neighbouring country stage, where there are rapists in cages and a big sign about building a wall. This game takes it far enough!

So here they have to jump over barrels like in Donkey Kong or something before rescuing Rump from the assassin again. Ross keeps pressing the retry key by accident.

Wow this security guard is one tough cookie! He has to knock over a big stone pillar where the assassin is perched! Then it's saving Rump from giant falling tacos! Lots of darkly comic gags coming from everywhere!

Ross says the "T" word by accident... whoops! No, not "Taco"!

Wow this security guard has some moves. The front flip looks so cool going over the barrels! Yeah the stairs nearby are an awful tease. This scenario they finish really well with an awesome rescue!

Next scenario is in a factory of Rump Industries, China. Looks very dreary. Here they have to use jump pads to reach the platform. Rump's wearing his signature red cap with slogan.

They have to save Rump from a pillar surrounded by flaming cars next. Not easy though with the security guard, who can do amazing tricks, but with legs like jelly. Ross perseveres though... He's a true patriot :)

SuperMega does the outro slate quip as Ross and Barry didn't leave any. Whoops!

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