Thursday 13 October 2016



Arin and Danny open with a Castle-vein-ia joke hehe:)

I love the fist pumping thing Belmonts do when they walk alright. :)

That is a very precarious looking part of the castle alright... Buttress does sound like a nice funny word :)

Very cool collapsing platform sequence and all Simon can do is fist pump. Hurgh!

Nice grammar lesson they give us. Nice call on the mirror image thing too Danny :)

Lots of whipping going on and Danny gets distracted, talking about doing some whipping of his own.

They talk about Tootsie Pops. Speaking of dodgy names for products, when I was growing up, we had an ice cream called "Golly Bar". It had a picture of a golliwog on it. We had no idea really. To weird things further, the ice cream was just a block of pure vanilla ice cream on a stick. It also melted and fell off the stick faster than any other ice cream. I think it exists today, but under a different name of course!

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