Saturday 29 October 2016



Arin and Danny play this game based on the iconic movie from the early 90s. I remember the movie being a big deal from seeing it in movie magazines, but it seemed to just vanish off the face of the Earth! No one really talked about it again!

Arin tells the story about how he bought this game from a guy on Craigslist and how crazy this guy was about the game. I've met guys like that who sold me games and I sometimes ask them if they're sure they want to sell the game they're selling! Fun stuff :)

Wow I didn't know it was inspired by a Stephen King story.

Goodness me their characters shoot lots of bullets at once. That first person Battletoads thing is pretty cool looking! Great idea and use of the hardware :) is it fun though? They're having trouble but it does seem fun.

Ok the first person thing actually looks about as cool as Star Fox did! This game would've been an exciting one to look forward to if I had seen it in games magazines. I wonder what they said about it back then?

OMG that gigantic helicopter is the stupidest and coolest looking thing.

The screenshots look cool and of good quality too. This does capture the feeling of the early 90s! Our imaginations went wild about the prospects of VR and we got excited about movies being made into arcade games. Nowadays companies are trying to revive the VR helmet thing.

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