Tuesday 25 October 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx5L2g0A9oE

Arin and Danny take on a stage with a huge drop.

They talk about doing Busy Scissors and Arin mentions how he sometimes doesn't remember doing a game and then he looks their own video up on YouTube and wonders if it's really him! Actually... sometimes I don't remember blogging about some of their episodes... It's a weird thing. When I read my post on it though, there's usually something I do remember about it.

Arin does this funny impression of singing "Flash". I have no idea what it is! Seems like it would be funny if I did though!

Arin sinks a beauty on this hole! Nice one :) They're neck and neck now with 29 points each and on the last hole of this course!

Poor Arin... he's pretty sick in this series :(

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