Tuesday 18 October 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjfefijsliQ

Arin and Danny talk about ice cream and sprinkles, or "jimmies" as they call them. In Ireland, we call them "hundreds and thousands". That might be just when you're shopping for baking ingredients though. I'm not sure what they're called at an ice cream counter. Maybe just sprinkles.

Danny wins this hole as well.

The next island has a nice wide terrain. Lots of water though. Arin's still out of it, but it's still pretty funny :)

There were tons of penguin movies in the last decade...

Arin makes an excellent shot into the hole! Right where Danny is too! Comeback!

They talk about shadow versions of characters being evil. Haha "Dam" as Danny's evil version XD

The next hole is on a big slope with lots of vents. Looks very tricky.

Arin has a Grumpy dozy rant about differing opinions on the internet. Yay! They want a new bad Sonic game to play. I'd actually love them to play Sonic Colours... even though it's not a bad game and I don't think we'd get epic rants.

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