Monday 10 October 2016



Ross, Barry and Brian play this space exploration and battling game. Ross fills us in on his experience with it so far.

Yeah Brian! Playing the original Rogue would be a great idea :D

Whoa, Ross got rich!

Oh hey it's a space battle like in Star Fox.

As Ross flies and fights through space, Brian talks about physics stuff. It doesn't get any better than this :)

Ross flies a little too close to a black hole and freaks out trying to escape. Brian's all like "I could've told you so" or whatever :P

Brian even talks about a recent controversy in the science community regarding black holes.

Ross tries collecting an item like it was a power up in Gradius :P

Brian makes a funny by saying "or what?" when Ross says "ore". ehehehe :)

They talk about Batman vs Superman... It looks like I didn't miss out on much by not seeing it myself.

Wow! Big crisis where Ross' ship was in bad shape but he eventually makes it to repairs! Exciting stuff :)

The next exciting part is trying to keep Barry and Brian interested. When they say they're the only ones who'll watch it, Matt and Ryan put in some lovely messages. Aww :)

Ross eventually flies into a black hole, ending his session. Shucks. It was a good run though! Lots of running...

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