Tuesday 11 October 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk9P7s30OuE

Barry and Ross arrive in Fourside and meet a Mad Taxi.

The "Planning meeting for EarthBound 2" confuses Ross so Barry explains the release history of the entire series. Yay :)

Yeah... poor Terry Jones :(

Ah yeah, they're all like Simpsons characters in the audience. Maybe "Do The Bartman" will be performing :)

They catch the Runaway Five's second performance while doing this weird mousy impression of them.

Ross is all excited to be visiting the dinosaur museum :)

They visit the café that's totally not a pub.

Yeah everyone seemed to dump on the graphics back in the day but there's nice detail on stuff like that building's fire escape :)

When they talked about the rich Monotoli and evil entities, I didn't expect them to be talking about Giygas for a moment!

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