Saturday 15 October 2016



Arin and Danny play some Intellivision! Is the thumbnail's "1" stylised to look like a pixelly number? That's neat :)

Dedicated to Ryan Mitchell, A True Lovely... What's that about? Is it a fellow Lovely who passed away? Aw...

Arin introduces what the Intellivision is and what it was all about with its controller and games. Danny says if they could play Commodore 64 games he'd show us a thing or two. That'd be kinda neat :) though I'm more of a ZX Spectrum Vega fan. In any case, this is the PS2 compilation of games.

Haha "bi" planes :)

They jump into "Armor Battle", a tank combat game. Between figuring stuff out and everything they have a great laugh :) invisible mines and like near 40 lives each, this game would go on for ages I'd say!

Next it's "Battle Tanks" which is faster and more traditional. The bullets also bounce all over the place. Like "Tank Pong". It's pretty cool, and most of the deaths happen when their own bullets reflect back on them! Even better than the other one!

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