Wednesday 19 October 2016



Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian are just chilling at the roller skate rink when they see a high school kid played by Jacksepticeye being bullied. They decide to take the lad under their wing and show him the Cool Patrol Dance!

Another lively and fun video by Ninja Sex Party! It has the nostalgic feel throughout. I love the contrast between the Wolverine claw bearing, leather jacket wearing, street smart Cool Patrol and the Richard Simmons-like, sweatband wearing, all smiles and rainbows happiness of the Cool Patrol Dance.

"This is the Cool Patrol Daaaaaaaaance!", this part makes me think of other fun chart music videos I used to watch and it also makes me think of Scissor Sisters for some reason. In other words, nostalgic and sentimental but not sure what about specifically.

But yeah, more on the contrast between the tough and the cuddly - The tough part has lyrics like:

"We are the bad boys (Oh!) from the tough side of town,
 We are the Cool Patrol (Woo!) we'll turn your life around"

and is also full of tough guy swearing. The cuddly part on the other hand has lyrics like:

"You put your hands in the air
And then stick out your rear end
And then you wiggle it real hard and you hug your closest friend

and is much more flowery and smiley and happy. They switch between tough and cuddly a few times and it's quite fun :)

Jack is a bit confused, saying it was all more like an instructional dance, to which Danny and Brian do a hand gesture, like it was exactly what they wanted to accomplish, rather than help the poor kid!

Goodness me, a Danny Sexbang covered in peanut butter! Gratuitous! Be very careful here! Good thing the cheeses and meats are there to prevent us from getting helplessly stuck on Danny's peanut buttery body.

Then there's the "Cool Break!" where there's a montage of roller skaters doing their thing, with lots of tricks and stuff. I love the part where Danny says "Hey I have an idea! Let's kick it!" and he skips off to the right. I wanted to see him skip more! Love Ninja Brian's keyboard solo here too.

The next part is really cool where they get all these super powers like flight and super strength. Very nice bright and sunny animation to go with the bright and sunny song here! Very good feeling to it :)

Jack is feeling good and is all aggrandised with a crown and a robe and everything. Danny says his training is complete and he can now face the bullies! Jack, full of new hope, goes over to the bullies to deliver the sweet message of "putting hands in the air" and "sticking out your rear end" but... it does not turn out well! Oops!

The end slate is awesome and looks like something you'd find on vinyl artwork or on an Atari 2600 cartridge. This is high praise because vinyl artwork is the best companion piece you can have for a music album.

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