Tuesday 18 October 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq8DQ9iw4A0

Arin and Danny move on to Sub Hunt.

Just like flight simulators, there were tons of submarine simulators on old computers.

Tons of complicated controls! Danny says it's no wonder Nintendo was so popular with just A and B!

It's good they have one another. I'm bewildered just looking at this.

Instead of winning or losing they have it "sorta figured out". That's good when it comes to submarine simulations!

Next up is Thunder Castle. It's really impressive looking and sounding! Lots of fancy font and olde English. Straight away they're being chased by a dragon through a hedge maze. They can turn the tables though just like in Pac-Man! It makes for pretty exciting gameplay :)

Pretty tough with the shrubs growing and shrinking. Result of this one is "firmly figured out"! I kinda hope they keep playing this one :)

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