Tuesday 25 October 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyLVqW4uA9U

Barry and Ross deal with a Mad Taxi ramming into their Dick. Endless jokes to be made when you give funny names to characters!

They return to the Monotoli building. A Sentry Robot that looks like ROB would be kinda cool. Although I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of the robot in Robocop that murders someone for not giving the password or something :( Actually, logging in anywhere on the internet nowadays is starting to feel like being on the receiving end of that kind of hostility...

Barry and Ross get caught up in a discussion about perspective and the 180 degree rule. This building with the walls on both sides doing weird kind of diagonals would inspire such a discussion alright!

Well Ross, my insight on cinematography is that it ought to be STEADY. Stop shaking the camera is what I say!

They face the Clumsy Robot and the Runaway Five jump in to help! Woo!

A giraffe screaming at some arrows... I like Barry's art interpretations! :)

Pallf is rescued and rejoins the party! Monotoli gives in and explains himself... eventually offering them the helicopter to take to Summers, where the evil statue said not to go. Therefore, they must go!

Pokey is a half step ahead though and flies away with the helicopter. Ross comes back with the voices.

Hahaha! I gotta admit, I guffawed when they said Pallf was evolving! She just got a message though that they have to go to Threed to get to Summers. The Runaway Five then give them a ride in their tour bus again. Yay! Love the bus rides in this game :) and this'll be a nice long one! Also... the last... hm...

Apple Kid rings with some news. It's all coming together. Barry puts Ross through a thinking process on how it's all coming together. After super intense concentration, Ross puts it together himself. Yay! :)

On arriving in Threed, Dick repairs the Sky Runner. I forget the voice they gave him too... They fly all the way back to Dr. Andonuts' lab.

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