Tuesday 10 November 2015

Cute Demon Crashers! Part 2

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQm0GvSgWNU

In this episode, one of Morty's new bishie demon friends makes her breakfast! Another one makes her tea. The last one seems to be busy playing Mario Kart and she joins him. This one is Suzy's favourite!

Out in the garden, Morty and the girl demon have a conversation about sex. Morty shares her insecurities about it and the girl demon provides a good listening ear that a friend would.

This game is beginning to sound like a really nice thing. As time goes on it may turn into a nice cosy time with all the characters hanging out and Suzy reading their dialogue.

She also tells us that this game is free. Is it a Ren'Py game? Ren'Py's a wonderful thing.

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