Sunday 22 November 2015

Dead Rising Part 15


Arin and Danny chat with a hysterical woman named Leah behind a counter while zombies crowd around. Their opening joke to her is pretty funny :)

They rescue this NPC by giving her a piggy back ride. Seems like one of the best rescue methods yet. Better than screaming at them to hurry up anyway.

Following on from the joke, they laugh at how the restaurant they mentioned in a previous episode tweeted gift certificates at them! Pretty neat! Afterwards they make jokes about selling out!

Along the way, they "lose the scoop" so they decide to reload to before they met Leah and take care of that instead.

Towards the end they talk about what Simon Pegg wrote about zombies and also how it can be a metaphor for some kind of really difficult undertaking. It's an interesting discussion.

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