Monday 23 November 2015

Mario Party 10 Part 1 - Game Grumps VS


This is my first post about Mario Party 10 and Game Grumps VS! This is not to be confused with the Grumpcade playthrough from earlier this year.

Arin goes through what every Wii and Wii U owner goes through and that's having to find a Wii Remote that hasn't drained its own battery power even when not in use and when he can't find one, to go and get one that's synchronized to the other console. It's a job in itself and I know the hassle only too well!

Danny picks Yoshi and Arin picks Spike. They play on the Mushroom Park board handily enough and reach the mid level boss. It is really fascinating to watch them play. Danny with his optimism, wonder and bafflement and Arin with his subdued grumpiness about the way Mario Party is really different now.

A lot of fans don't like the "car" but I love it. It makes the games much shorter and people aren't completely exhausted from trying to focus on a game for hours.

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