Sunday 22 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 37


"Another one?!" Danny says in disbelief, but Arin is determined! Determined to finish Nick's "Bowser's Spooky Sausage Factory" level with its FREAK! at the end! That was a pretty funny outburst by him last time!

Arin has his day and his Miiverse post so it's on to the next level! While he's punching in the code, Danny keeps us company with some quality cosy Danny time. (Seriously Grumps ASMR when?)

The next level is "Bowser Jr.'s Aerial Assault" by Taylor.

Danny begins. He has a nice time on this level because it's not unpleasant. They note it's weird how there's an airship level in the Super Mario World mode and the music is this strange midi thing. I agree, it is very strange. SNES music didn't sound like typical midi music. The Super Mario World cartoon certainly wouldn't have had music that sounded like this.

On finishing the stage they make a comment that goes with the other user's comment like a cute little word palindrome!

Next level is ""P" Is For "Provide"" by John. While Arin punches in the code, Danny talks to us again in his really real voice. :)

This one is a ghost level in Mario 3, which didn't originally have ghost levels. The music here is even more strange and doesn't sound at all like Mario 3 music. Towards the end of the episode Arin gets muddled between a door and a pipe. No worries, I'm sure it'll hit him in the next episode.

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