Thursday 19 November 2015

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 29


We join Arin and Suzy as they do an explodey bazooka mission and talk about their trip to Vegas where Suzy got a bad cold.

They have a cosy little fan chat about Otacon and Solid Snake and if they had an apartment or something while raising Sunny. It is a cute thing to think about. It's great to chat about Solid Snake and Otacon in any case because we don't hear anything about them anymore. A new story with them would be an interquel if anything I suppose but still, they're the essence of Metal Gear Solid!

So next they have a confrontation with a famous sniper! This is the first encounter with Quiet in this playthrough. For now it's all about ducking between rocks and stones as they try to get closer.

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