Saturday 28 November 2015

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Part 5


Back with Barry and Ross for more alien hallway maze navigation and shooting!

Afterwards they're back outside on the Warthog, drivin' and shootin'. It's interesting how you can switch old and new graphics back and forth, original and remake. An excellent moment of this is when they're looking at the Halo, switching between versions and Barry says "they had the chance to add so many graphics, they didn't ask if they should", which blows Ross' mind.

Blows my mind too because it's so true! I find that modern game graphics can be really cluttered with stuff. Before, the sparseness was out of necessity but there's something to appreciate in using less.

Speaking of graphics, they come across a tree that has no collision detection! Ross manoeuvres the warthog so the tree is in the driver seat!

Barry says he can't wait until 1080p looks low-res. That would be interesting to see. I wonder if our living rooms and homes will grow in size as our TVs grow.

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