Friday 6 November 2015

My ASSSS by Mr. Chambers


First post about Game Grumps Animated! I'll blog about these too since this is one of the things that the Game Grumps were all about since the very beginning. It's wonderful how so many people do this and I can't think of anyone else on YouTube who has cartoons created later on set to their voice. In fact, the only other person I can think of right now that has their voice set to a cartoon later on is Mel Blanc, whose voice is set to the theatrical Looney Tunes 3D shorts that were made a few years ago. This is something very special indeed!

This cartoon is inspired by the various frustrating moments Arin had playing Super Mario 64, but at the same time trying to control his temper and be all zen about it. He's here as Mario, whereas Danny is cleverly represented as the Lakitu Bros with the camera. It's pretty funny seeing Arin's frustrations brought to life like this!

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