Sunday 15 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 30


Back with Arin and Danny for more painful Rossness!

They talk about how when they don't finish a story on a previous episode that someone brings it up and they have no idea what they were saying themselves. What a strange thing, not remembering and then being surprised by what you said years ago from a recording. They make more failing memory jokes then about when Danny used to be JonTron! It's pretty funny!

There was a craze years ago where friends of mine used to repeat the line "Damn! These beats are so fresh! Snap!" over and over so I used to just say the first part of the sentence "Damn! These beats..." to them and they couldn't help but carry it on. They eventually got annoyed at me when it wore off! Funny though :) Of course, it's from the G.I. Joe parodies that were made years ago.

Arin gets really far at one point but then struggles to reach it again. Many cries of anguish and Ross cursings follow.

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