Monday 30 November 2015

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 1


First post about Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! Ross, Barry and Brian will be playing this game. Strange enough that Danny isn't here as he's a big fan of the radio series.

Gutsy move doing a text adventure! I've got a good feeling this is going to be a cosy time! Brian's gonna read the narration. Ross and Barry are gonna put in commands as well as add their own funny commentary. It's gonna be fun!

We call it dressing gown here too :)

Ross knows what to do because he watched the movie :P

After a while they have to restore a save. This game features named saves and Ross is in charge of naming them! YES! Just like the Sierra playthroughs! All that's missing now is Danny! Ahhh! If you're nostalgic for older Steam Train episodes, this is a treat!

After another game over brought from drinking too much beer, they talk about Australian beer.

This episode is also worth checking out for the humble apology Brian gives over syntax usage in the game.

The episode ends shortly after the hitch hike. Omg this is going to be a fantastic series! I wonder what other lovelies think?

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