Thursday 26 November 2015

Dead Rising Part 19


Back with Arin and Danny as they keep being interrupted by Otis. It's not just Otis that tries to interrupt, but someone keeps ringing Arin while he's playing too. Isn't that always the way?

Danny has an interesting notion, like what if the shopping mall was on a ship on stormy seas and was the reason why the zombies are drooping and swaying they way they do. Kinda funny idea!

They go into a hardware store and meet Cliff, a guy who seems to be a Vietnam War veteran from the way he speaks. They engage in a boss fight with him.

He's pretty slippery, standing on top of the shelves firing stuff down at Frank. Besides that, he jumps down holes to evade which makes it tough to go after him.

Arin keeps throwing chainsaws at him but hilariously it doesn't work. The whole episode is them trying to figure out how to beat him. Not listening to Danny, Arin continues to throw chainsaws!

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