Sunday 29 November 2015

Food Games (Part 1) - JonTron


Jon's back and reviewing games about food brand tie-in gaming! It's quite interesting to see this as we would have different brands over here. We don't have Cap'n Crunch for example and his game doesn't seem to use Daws Butler's voice either. Tidbits like that are like little treasures for me here. As far as I know, Daws Butler didn't record anything specifically for video games. I could be wrong though. I know Don Messick did some King's Quest alright.

Jacques is here too! Been too long buddy!

McDonald's appears here too with their games, McKids on NES, Global Gladiators on Mega Drive and McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure too.

Impressive budget/resources for these recent JonTron episodes! All these McDonald's hamburgers around the place and where the heck did the little horse come from!

Chex Quest looks like one of the most awesome freebies ever too. Buy cereal and get a free FPS to own forever! Stuff like that is magical.

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