Thursday 19 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 34


It turns out I was already following Arin's Miiverse posts. Oh well! Back to him and Danny as they begin another fan-made level called "THE ULTIMATE GAUNTLET! (V 2.0)" by Crunch.

Danny starts. Yikes this level's a hard one. You have to keep running at a fast pace or suffer the pain of death. After a few tries Danny makes a Kung Pow reference (my man!) and hands it to Arin.

Arin dies a few times but near the end displays such skill that amazes and then the star man appears which excites us all the way to the end. Very good show in this level that made me want to clap! Danny sends Crunch a nice message :)

Next up is "Bowser's Spooky Sausage Factory" by Nick, which sounds kind of unsettling!

Unsettling it is as Danny finds it a bit Ross-like but after a while it seems a bit like Donkey Kong Country. I suppose it is with the multiple bullets coming and whatnot.

Arin gets a go too but they don't finish it... yet!

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