Sunday 29 November 2015

Impossible Creatures


Brian's debut on Steam Train! He's joined by Ross, who stumbles over the name of his show. The intro has Brian on the roof of the train and he's looking and staring to the left when the title comes up.

Besides the handlebar mustache and hat, Brian isn't given a job like "conductor" or "bandit". Since he has magical PhD powers, we can safely assume that it'll be some kind of secular scientist title.

This is why Ross deliberately chooses Impossible Creatures with its combinations of animals. He succeeds in trolling Brian, who gets annoyed by what he sees straight away!

They get laughs out of the unimpressive combinations of animals that seem to use their worst halves.

Brian tells this funny story about a kid being interested in ninjas and Wolverine and Ross talks about a time a kid talked to him about Transformers. We then learn that Brian collected them too! They then talk about Transformers for a while.

Ross plays on for a good while but...

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