Thursday 12 November 2015

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 47


We join Danny and Arin as they enter Lorule in the area where the Dark Palace is. It's the stealthy part where I got stuck for a while! Let's see how Danny finds it...

...aaand he fares much better than I did! I eventually got there but Danny gets there much faster. Arin and him wonder what the enemies could be guarding so carefully and joke about it being a Reese's peanut butter cup.

Danny mentions how the inside of the Dark Palace looks like a Birthday Massacre album cover with the purples. After doing a quick search I have to say that it totally does!

The video ends with Danny trying to coax Arin into telling him how to do a puzzle.

At one point during the episode Arin makes a reference to the first video that Danny's band Ninja Sex Party put out and that he still loves that song. It's really good alright! I'll have to blog about NSP's new stuff from now on too :)

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