Sunday 29 November 2015

Dead Rising Part 22


Poor Danny's gagging from Arin's stinky farts. They head out into the mall again, which now has those cult followers hanging around the place regularly.

They kid around about Dane Cook and Kraft Foods, making sure to say they're just kidding. Must be tough having to cover your back like that.

They meet Isabella, who attacks them on a motorbike and kills them so they reload and consult the walkthrough somebody sent them. Nice one :)

Looked up the trailer for Paranormal Whacktivity that Danny's friend made and he's right, it does look like one of those goofy silly comedies :)

He also sings "Hey now!" at one point and on the run up to it I knew he was going to sing it! :)

Anyway, they stock up on orange drinks in preparation for Isabella again.

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