Tuesday 31 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXTgcxsArtE

Arin and Danny begin with the delicate subject of ball touching. It's a very sensitive subject.

They chat about baby names of all things! They tryin' to tell us something? Hmm? Just kidding.

Anyway, George as a name is fun. In secondary school we had a wormery and we named one of the worms George.

Arin gasps in wonder when he finds a cave he never saw before.

I liked the show Friends. As background noise I would be ok with it but if I was actually interested in the background noise more I would be annoyed that I couldn't focus totally on it.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMe-E0NWkpg

Ross and Brian play this geometric shooter with EarthBound font!

Oh! It's not a shooter! In fact it has more in common with the backlash from Blast Corps and Knuckles Chaotix. I like the hitstop thing that happens when you hit your target!

They both quite like it! Brian is miffed that he was a particle physicist and no-one ever gave him a particle mace.

Brian and Ross have a good discussion about angular momentum and continue with the Math Grumps into lots of space physical sciencey stuff. It's pretty cool.

I tell ya, watching this and listening them is more fun than going to school.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayhGQNBIZfM

Danny and Arin start with their own opening singing number for the game :) it's nice.

I like Danny's panicked and polite killing in this episode :) "uh sir? Sir? " *boom*


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icXG5Rp1C4c

Suzy, Jean and Alexis clear some more jewels. There are some cool combos and mustaches on some blocks so the game is kept kinda fresh.

It must be difficult to talk over games like this. I remember when Jon and Arin were playing Puyo Pop Fever and they had long bouts of silence! Then again, in Hunie Pop, Suzy and Arin were chatting away while they were matching blocks.

Monday 30 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSrCDogT3EA

Arin and Danny continue on their mission to get the crossbow guy. Danny distracts Arin with some hilarous puns :)

They have an amazing conversation about eggs! I love Arin's jealousy over Danny going somewhere for an egg breakfast instead of at his house because Arin makes amazing eggs. What a nice thing! :) I hope Danny gets to enjoy Arin's eggs someday.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVragsN0nw0

Rocco, Ross, Arin and Suzy continue battling and undressing.

Rocco does this jokey thing where he says this game was based on his real life experiences. It's fun :)

I love Ranma 1/2 :)


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBnfj9G5mBw

Arin and Danny go through more scary space station corridors.

Funny how blowing up loads of gross monsters is less unsettling that Arin's story about picking at moles.

Danny keeps saying "'Tis" like an Irish person. Though I don't know if that is something that is characteristically Irish...

Sunday 29 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUoO8gyr8ZA

Arin and Danny use a charm on the fake treasure chest and get the Mimic's item but then this huge creature shows up behind them! Lots of panicked screaming and running follows!

Lots of skeletons too. They talk a bit about the Vengaboys We Like To Party song. Good times :)

They reach an area with a big worm and a big crossbow in the distance shooting at them. Their strategy is to get the worm in the line of fire. It takes a few tries but they manage it!

Next time, they'll hunt down the guy shooting the crossbow! I like cliffhangers like this :)


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWSfhYOSPdY

Suzy, Ross, Arin and Rocco get into another fight where they win by stripping the clothes. Craziness!

They also talk about cheese and how the Japanese aren't really that fond of it. Peanut butter too. Fascinating stories.

The main character's hoodied sister appears in the story too. Lots more stuff happens when they go to a maid café, which looks like an amazing place to hang out.

I like the Dragon Ball fusion voices they have :)

Then they fight random people on the street and the police come and everything! It's kinda nuts.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4-iiZpMmu8

Danny and Arin ask about soiling pants and look around, punching screens in an effort to find their way.

After a bit of fighting, Danny reckons that shooting enemies are just about stunning them and the only real way to kill them is to punch them. At least, it seems more fun that way.

Danny compares the hologram character to Clippy the paperclip!

Would Steve O like this game? I'd say so, but maybe not as much as Madworld during the maze parts

Saturday 28 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4Pt50vE0cA

Arin and Danny look up the difference between facetious and sarcastic and also give out about whoever made the recording before their new session.

They talk about nickels and how people throw change away. That's kinda interesting.

Arin's desperate to recruit more players. It's the same boss they couldn't beat last time. Poor guy... the boss will be taken down eventually!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-kU1gS57dk

Ross, Arin and Suzy are joined by Rocco of Mega64 again for this new playthrough.

It's a visual novel type of game, or that's what I thought anyway. The gameplay changes when this girl with an umbrella shows up to hit someone and it turns into a Senran Kagura clone. I'd rather play Senran Kagura though.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMCXHLT5z74

Arin appears before the video to tell us about the scaretocare charity thing on Twitch! I'd like to see that! I wonder if it's archived?

Arin and Danny progress on to the next mission which takes place indoors again.

"Shut up Tilda Swinton, I'm trying to find out if you're Tilda Swinton!" Arin says as he checks the game's imdb.com page. I like that part the best in this episode :)

Danny is reminded of the movie "Event Horizon" and how grossed out he was by it. Might be an interesting one to watch.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHdE9zDqwJU

Suzy continues this rather mean spirited game! The characters don't treat one another very well. The main character mostly rolls her eyes.

Friday 27 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1AsKr_Da1w

Poor Arin and Danny continue to have a tough time putting up with the microphone adjusting.

Arin reveals a strategic grinding spot. That was a totally missed opportunity for a RAPTOR PRO TIP! Ahh... another great Grump memory :)

They talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie where Pee-wee Herman aka Paul Reubens plays the bad guy. Never knew about that! Though I was never a Buffy fan. They then talk about adult movie theatres and Danny is a little bit sad that they were made obsolete due to the internet bringing it home. I guess I can see where he's coming from, because I still like going to the cinema in general.

Next they meet a creature hanging on the ceiling that reminds me a bit of Queen Gohma from Ocarina of Time. She kicks their butts too... even when they use help. Arin reckons it's time for grindng!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rILZywopIZU

Ross and Arin have Rocco Botte of Mega64 as a guest! They play some of these strange Sonic parodies.

First one has a strange First Person Shooter perspective and is called Turbo Sonic Gun Adventure 2 Turbo. Smooth Jazzy soundtrack and well, it's just funny :)

Next is Sanic Spin 2006. It's AWESOME! It's another first person view and when you jump the camera spins in the air just like if you were Sonic himself! Later levels have lots of jumps! Rocco tries to imagine an Oculus Rift version! Poor Ross is getting queasy! Oh man, a Super Monkey Ball version of this would be really amazing! Wow... just looked up the Monkey Ball DLC gameplay with the gravure idol stuff. Never knew about this! Pretty interesting.

I never knew about the "drink tray" thing. That's awesome!

I love the Sonics from the failed attempts in the replay!

Hmm... Matrix sequels. I just love the fight scenes between Neo and the Smiths from them.

Next game is Sanicball. This looks awesome too! Very fast racing! Looks better than most racing games honestly and the Super Sanic thing was hysterical!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTQGzZJTuU4

This cartoon is inspired by Arin and Danny talking about a horror movie monster made out of Balogna. It was such a funny conversation and definitely one that's ripe for making into a Game Grumps Animated!

Arin and Danny look pretty awesome and styled very distinctively. Danny has lots of hair, Arin has giant bodybuilder man boobs. I also love the way Danny doesn't have eyes until he's startled by the Balogna Man!

The references here are awesome! I recognise one of them from The Shining and I absolutely love the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 thing with Arin and Danny having this conversation in the cinema seats!

When this animation ends with the awesome Balogna parodies of horror movies, I get the feeling that I wanna see more! I like that bit after the end with Balogna Man sitting in the seat behind their corpses sipping on a soda! Perfect opportunity for that pimento loaf joke.

I had to look that up by the way. Never heard of pimento loaf before.

Anyway, great cartoon :)


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3aOE3bkuzs

Danny and Arin talk about the plot of the original Doom. I never knew it involved Doomguy's pet bunny getting killed! John Wick's got nothing on this!

That poor sad robot they punch... aw... It looks a little bit like Weebo from Flubber.

I like Danny's delicate protests of the baddies screaming at him before zapping them with his powerful gun. It's funny :)

Oh Arin! I loved KaBlam! so much! Aaah! Looked it up on imdb and yeah, Henry and June's voice actors are all grown up and look really grown up too. Jeez.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FB6Tt4FQZ4

Suzy and her sister Jean do a new playthrough with Alexis, game designer at PopCap. Nice that EA is sponsoring this.

They talk about their love of puzzle games and a little about free-to-play games. The audio is not like it is usually but still it seems like a nice outing for them to try out a company's game while visiting them.

They weren't kidding either. They're pretty good at this game! It kinda controls the same as Tetris Attack.

Thursday 26 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf3Ln2ooVt4

Arin appears in another skit before the video! This one he desperately wants to endorse Wendy's burgers officially because he loves them so much. He's quite passionate! We don't have Wendy's in Ireland but I'd love to try this delicious burger I keep hearing about. Square patties? What a concept! I wanna try!

Speaking of burgers, we have a Tex Mex burger promo in our McDonald's at the moment and it's awesome. Certainly the best in the recent promotion. No I'm not being paid to say and yes I'd love to be!

Arin and Danny fight a dude around a sleeping giant and try not to wake it up. Is it asleep or dead?

Arin's "Thrust butthole" message has one good and one bad vote. Aw! That was a great message!

Danny's clown mask idea is freaking hilarious! His clown laugh is awesome! Eat your heart out Krusty!

Adjusting the nuts is something you gotta do Danny. Can't be going with discomfort!

Love the AVGN theme song :)

Arin reminisces on the first game when they reach Anor Londo.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tQ4GiBkprc

Suzy, Arin, Barry and Brian come together in this exact group for the first time to play this recent odd and outstanding indie title.

There are many ways to describe this game.... CatDog, Human Centipede... I think the pairs wrestling together look a bit like a slice of chocolate Swiss roll. Two controllers are being used they are saying, so they're shared and everyone is using an analogue stick.

The competition involves keeping a ball on a side of the arena until the circle fills up with your team's colour.

What a fresh, unique and compelling way to play a game!

I like the way Barry encourages Brian to be gracious in victory and in defeat!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrevx90SM3o

Danny and Arin meet a hologram of someone that looks like Tilda Swinton before coming across the Doom title screen and the Martian-like red planetary surface. Now the game truly begins!

The punching melee move reminds me of Superhot. It's pretty cool.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGYZwOylZ-E

Suzy has a cute winking avatar on the thumbnail, so I guess it's a game she likes!

She's playing what looks a bit like a visual novel... The characters move like in Kitty Powers' Matchmaker.

So it's like a western visual novel thing where you make choices. I'm really happy something like this exists :) I wonder if this kind of thing is popular?


Happy Belated Birthday Kevin! (I'm really late with posts lately whew...)

Anyway hope you had a great day! Kevin's kept going all the time I'd say with his role as an editor. He was great in the Single Train and Stout Train episodes this year and I hope he continues to be awesome and to see him now and again online, even if it is just in editor text or on the gamegrumpsofficial Instagram.

Wednesday 25 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4vbmB1BLmY

Arin and Danny do the Zognoid thing again :) I love the Zognoid bit!

Wow, all those spear things sticking out of them as they fight.

That Aubrey player! What a saga indeed! Poor MojoJojo though... Online play with this game seems fun :)

They continue playing online with other players too.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26joArk1Vv4

Barry and Ross begin by zooming in on what looks like a bat having sex with an ant. It does look very suggestive!

This game seems a bit like Spore with the creature creation. They can breed animals too so they gotta start with the bat and the ant! There are weird things, such as a fork and Santa. That is very strange. There's even a cheeseburger.

"Stabby Man"  is something amazing alright!

They spend most of the video breeding creatures before going into a death match game with other freaky creatures.

Guys, Suzy doesn't sound like that! Lol


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WG8abdNpN0

Danny and Arin play the new Doom! Oh wow, we all thought Metroid Prime when they put on the helmet... This game isn't played through the visor though.

It's really funny when they realise they're hitting a fire extinguisher :)

They get a good start on this game otherwise. Danny's pretty good at it!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncKNEqQUxrI

Suzy and Arin discuss the appeal of goth girls.

They talk about what if Hunie Cam had a male version! How's that for an idea? Arin wants to do a voice in it!

"Quamedy". Nice groaner Arin!

After the game they go to the wardrobe and play a dress up game of sorts.

Is this really the finale? I'm not sure... Suzy really likes it!

Tuesday 24 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maqMMNGSsQI

Arin and Danny recruit two other dudes to take on the boss. Lucky Charms, Cookie Crisp and Coca-Cola? Crazy snack time Danny!

What does "No Doy" mean? A girl said it to Danny. Is it bad? Is it good? In any case, the Doymiands joke is pretty good :)

They get in a duel with another player. There seems to be this code of chivalry where they drink all their healing drinks first before duelling. Interesting way to play!

They recruit someone named MojoJojo and some wild fun ensues!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuOzptvOGSE

Barry and Ross play this indie competitive game. I was looking to see if there was screen shaking in the game and yep. There's screen shaking. These indie games are all the same. Ah well. At least there isn't much attacking, so there isn't much screen shaking. It's more important to manoeuvre and be stealthy.

There is something about this game though that gives it its own identity. You can hide in the same background as your team colour. Colours also change at regular intervals.

Barry and Ross make a pact to be careful of the kind of language they use while they trash talk! Wise decision!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i65YLwzfn54

Arin and Danny meet Impa after awakening her as a sage. Arin gives her a... Dane Cook voice? He's pretty tired so he doesn't keep it up. It's the end of a long Grump session!

They head to Gerudo's Valley and talk with the master carpenter. He wanted to know what his workers were doing over there. I love Danny's response about Link returning after 12 days with a beard and say that they were jacking off! That image is just so funny to me!

They shoot some arrows at some Gerudos and Danny comes up with another funny line about having the bow out while chatting one up.

They can be funny when they're tired! Maybe it's just part of the body's way of coping with wanting sleep. I wouldn't make it part of "Method Grumping" or anything.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW2-HOTIukk

Suzy and Arin are cute and lovey dovey and talk about timestamps and how Kevin manages their handwriting.

Arin talks about shows that coddle children instead of teaching them about emotional stuff like a death in the family. I wonder if he's ever seen High Strung? I've never heard of Caillou... Never watched Arthur or Franklin either.

Hey Arnold was a great show! Totally agree with Arin on that one! We can appreciate it a lot now for the stuff that was in it. Back then when it came out it was just another good show of many! I remember watching the very first episode and where I watched it too.

Monday 23 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkX3CM7jeyE

Arin and Danny have fun with jokey ring names.

I saw Spaceballs before I saw Star Wars and Alien as well!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtaY49ZgvII

Barry and Ross play this game that's like Mario Kart but with colourful rally cars.

There's a track that's very Sonic bonus tunnel like. It's got the rings and the spike balls and everything!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eoJNuNk988

Arin and Danny burn the booby trap wall and get the Boss Key. They then talk about Teddy Roosevelt!

There are some "Chuck Norris" like facts about Teddy Roosevelt online apparently!

That story about the speech is amazing.

Danny imagines Navi saying "HEY" in a cinema. Gotta switch the fairy off before a movie!

They defeat Congo Bongo and it dissolves in that awesome static purple stuff. N64 was the best version!


Happy Birthday Audrey. This is a bit belated. Brian's a proud dad and it's great to hear news about how she's getting along! We hear about first words and everything. Hope you had a lovely birthday Audrey :)

Sunday 22 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHDavKyPads

Arin appears before the video in a skit. He gives advice on how to be a good person! Then he ends it with a *ding!* wink :)

Arin and Danny fight a red outlined enemy and Arin cheers excitedly. Then he faces some dogs and loads of other enemies at once! He pulls through though. He's getting stronger and stronger!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28TuBx_jzkE

Barry and Ross solve more puzzles.

They talk about the Pokémon Missingno. It did make a noise alright.

ProJared moved to LA recently. That must've been a messy experience travelling with his cat!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dfz3nkpNs0

Arin and Danny say how funny "pork" is as a verb. It really is actually!

Arin talks about how his dad showed him the Kentucky Fried Movie. Craziness! At home growing up we had Carry On Camping in our family VHS tape collection.

Arin mentions the 70s as a time for big boobs in movies. Interesting. I love Dolly Parton as well :) Big boobs too of course!

They have to go back to the start at some point. Farore's Wind would be really handy here if anywhere.


Happy belated Birthday Holly! I'm a bit late with this. I know you're not a Grump but you're still very important to the lovelies! I also remember that time you brought dinner for everyone in the office when they were working and had some kind of technical trouble or something. Stuff like that really counts! Was it Thanksgiving or Christmas? I'm struggling to remember. Anyway, hope you had a good one!

Saturday 21 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avug-JOSdiM

Arin and Danny start with a belch!

They meet some horrifying spider women and treat them like keen young women. "One at a time please ladies!" they say. Fun stuff :)

They meet and fight with some formidable knights. I like the one that's standing in front of the painting. They imagine standing alongside him and commenting on it like casual art gallery patrons!

Yes I remember that Juggernaut video too and the reference in the movie... Hoo boy....


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8DFx165cTY

Barry and Ross start with insults but not to worry! They love each other really :)

It's a first person puzzle game with glitchy shapes. They gotta put their heads together.

They can make block platforms to solve puzzles, so yeah it's kinda good if you like puzzles.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCPGFagJU04

Arin, I mean Homerun Steve appears before the video in a skit and says bats matter too. Very nice :)

Arin and Danny figure more stuff in the Shadow Temple as they go. Whoa... I didn't notice the pattern on the wall was skulls either...

They get to the part with the ship as well and succeed the second time, while having more discussions about the game and about the new Pokémon starters too for Sun and Moon.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPG9bDf9ax0

Suzy and Arin talk about stuff like MSG. I have no problem with it either.

They talk about other stuff too like Dexter. I don't watch the show so most of this goes over my head!

Friday 20 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQYvLGPe2eo

Arin and Danny have a jokey opening with a serious statement followed by the rest of it making it not so serious. Danny likes the meme macro pictures where it starts serious and then ends funny like it's a doctor or something. I love it too!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6rswlDZGzc

Barry and Brian take on Crazy Taxi! Brian reveals his connection to The Offspring, while they play the game without any of their music. It's kind of strange without it but still has a sense of fun.

They decide to take turns and see who earns the most money.

Gen X... I don't think I'm part of it. I'd say I'm on the older side of millenial.

Barry ponders if pirates invented yards (yarrrrrrrds). Nice one :)

Reality TV was very much a thing in the 90s, towards the end anyway.

Barry is high energy today! I'm willing to say it's because of the game, but what is Brian getting at? Maybe he's just playing off him.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7sDNP-ktV0

Portal 2 and Powerhouse = AWESOME! This is based on Arin and Danny's playthrough of Portal 2. Seriously, what a perfect track to accompany a cartoon based on Portal! Arin and Danny look great as the robots with their own human hair. Very nicely done! Great scene to do it with too where Danny learns about the infinite falling to shoot you across the room.

I don't know if I said this before, but I'm a longtime fan of KC Green! I used to browse Greentoons all the time and read Sinister and Evil, Bill the Magician, Droop... all that good stuff! Back on the early 00s there was no YouTube, so webcomics were my entertainment! Great to see him still active like this.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMhyNrz9rj0

Arin and Danny go into the stone umbrella room. They have some funny lyrics to a song.

They also talk about The Onion and how brilliant and funny it is! I'll have to read it more :)

Danny notes the anachronistic technology of the steel fans that blow them around the place in this dungeon. Kinda strange isn't it? Same with those laser eye shooting things. Maybe it's from an ancient forgotten civilisation that had advanced technology.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11PNGHbfyqE

Suzy gets the sandwich back to its rightful owner! That fat cat on the bus... it looks a lot like Rover from Animal Crossing!

Her little Tamagotchi thingy evolves into a fox cub thingy. Very cute :)

Thursday 19 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaMMX1Lx8nI

Arin and Danny start by whacking Yhorm the Giant right in the junk. It's also their finishing move! Cool looking boss.

They talk about failing classes and the surrounding experiences of their lives at the time that mattered more. Great stories. School is weird.

The invisible crow they meet is pretty cool! They give her stuff. Is she like the Fat Chocobo from Final Fantasy?

Later on they meet a jerk who jeers at them behind a locked gate. Looking forward to when they meet him head on!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef9ujBqrH4I

Ross, Barry and Suzy defuse more bombs. Barry says "Bomb Squad" instead of "Bomb Corp". Is he making a reference to the Intellivision game of a similar theme?

The one with the instructions written by children I can't make head nor tail of!

It's a very involving session and they get so disappointed when stuff doesn't work out. They're really putting their hearts into this! The game kinda demands it.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCyQnRmj0Y4

Arin and Danny are in the room with the whirling scythes. Arin thinks it's kinda strange how it says "Egoraptor" and "Danny" in the intro. I dunno, I still think Egoraptor is cool as a handle! I use "Danny as a label for my blog posts! Kinda sticking with me!

Love that "Fairy, not Ferry" joke :)

I never noticed the way the back of that laser thing's head jiggles... Guess I always concentrated on getting away from its laser fire. It only takes one bomb to defeat it though. Just throw one on top of it.

Aww... Vernon can't take a compliment? Aw... someday he will :)

The Skulltulas in that corridor always scared the heck out of me.

They talk a little about Disney park attractions and a little about words that weren't offensive then but are now and normal words now that could be considered offensive in the future. Interesting stuff!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VpxUgYwlwY

Suzy speaks but Arin is repeating everything she's saying! It's true, it is a surefire way to irritate someone!

They talk about Suzy's twin, a bit about making YouTube stuff and how it should be something you like and about health stuff too. Arin talks about his core training and how it's been easing his pains where he originally thought was just from getting older. Imagine that...

Suzy also talks about taxidermy and about people asking loads of questions! It's an interesting scenario! Then they touch on the type of person who goes into GameStop and wants to talk to the staff about games... aw...

Wednesday 18 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwPtGOdmP0s

Arin and Danny talk about stuff like No Country For Old Men, which was a great movie with an awesome and terrifying character played by Javier Bardem. I don't really understand the ending monologue either though.

They lose their souls in an inescapable boss room, so they're trying to buff up before they go back and collect them again. Kinda scary to have that many souls non-banked.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gpfcccLPG0

Suzy, Ross and Barry play this bomb disarming game. The graphics reminds them of the video for that song Move Your Feet by Junior Senior. Was it a big hit in America too? It was really popular here!

Anyway this game is pretty fun looking! Less serious than the other bomb disarming game too, the one that's for Oculus Rift.

Suzy is getting along much better in this game than she did in the Doors game. She's having a lot more fun too. That's good!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3ZfBGG4Hdw

Arin and Danny start a new session in their newly renovated Grump Room! I wonder what it's like? We'll see on Instagram or something soon enough :)

They head back in time to get Din's Fire.

That Bruno Mars blog article... Blogging is weird man!

Also, no I haven't been caught!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B773uP9S9DM

Suzy's still raising her pet Teasprout.

Hmm... that's never happened to me in line. I do like salt on fries alright.

That police elephant is pretty cool looking alright! Looks just like a Tamagotchi as well. I like the fetch quest thing that goes on in this game. Then again, it's kind of a goose chase. They can be fun though. Some of the Hamtaro games were like this and they were great :)

Tuesday 17 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7CYuobL7kQ

Arin appears in another skit before the episode, speaking in a deep voice about Kevin and gives out his Twitter handle @Earth2kvn. I do think Kevin is too handsome, but not suspiciously so!

Arin and Danny discuss improvised singing and coming up with rhymes.

"Jimmies" instead of sprinkles? Over here we call them "Hundreds & Thousands" :)

Kind of a nerve wracking time either avoiding the giant's fists or the giant rats in the tunnel!

I wouldn't worry about feeling lost Danny, I feel just as lost with this game's world too!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEwTMaKCKLA

Suzy, Barry and Ross play more Bidiots.

Barry wins this time. I'd say he has the game sussed! I still don't have it sussed from watching the second episode of this particular game in the pack.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzvxyHuRssA

I've been looking forward to this! Arin and Danny have Rob Schneider and his wife Patricia Schneider as guests and playing Mortal Kombat!

Arin loses the first match to Patricia. She really kicked his butt! It's pretty obvious that the choice of game was for her!

They all talk about Rob's show Real Rob. Then Rob talks about Arin's reaction and how he liked it so much that they arranged to have Rob on Guest Grumps!

Rob talks about how the show was made and talks about critics and his friends too.

They also talk about making shows in general, their own shows. It's a cool thing to listen to! Being able to eat and sleep indoors and doing what you love as success is so true!

Rob doesn't know how to play, so Patricia is showing him here. It's fun and sweet :)

At one point the game breaks and they do a podcast, a Grumpcast!

Danny tells Rob about the jokes he loves in his movies. The repeated line in Deuce Bigalow makes me want to check those movies out! Also, the huge tall ladies? Wow :)

He talks about silliness and Monty Python and Fawlty Towers.

They talk about having Steve-O on earlier and about the first Jackass movie and how Rob loves that opening with the shopping trolley. It was brilliant! Set to that dramatic classical music and everything!

Rob said he laughed the hardest at the Jackass and Borat movies. That's kinda spooky as I'm very similar! I wonder if he's seen Kung Pow?

So yeah, great episode! May there be many more Guest Grumps! You know, I've always said that whoever was involved with Game Grumps was supremely talented, and now I'm gonna have to say the same for Rob Schneider too! He's brilliant listening in this episode anyway. Let's see some of his movies or his show!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsVaU0d8808

Suzy and Arin talk about the way Suzy plays this at home all the time while listening to audio books.

I don't really know this "always watching" reference...

Arin and Suzy talk about their laundry duties! Kinda interesting and cute :)

Monday 16 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3MMJ5pBFDA

Arin appears before the video in another skit to tell us to follow Barry's Twitter @Razzadoop.

Arin and Danny encounter more of the horrifying creatures from the last episode. They spend some time running away from a Mimic. They're pretty scary alright!

Arin indulges in more of his sheer love for this game by throwing some devastating hits on enemies. It's nice to see them enjoying themselves :)


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEAkjYOKPYg

Suzy, Barry and Ross play another of these games. So this one is about drawing doodles and bidding on them.

Ross gets a text message from a dog that goes "bark bark bark bark". Is this something to do with the game? It seems it is, since Suzy gets one as well.

The ghost in the suit drawing was cute :)


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04g0_RQJXFM

Arin and Danny have a tough time targetting the flying flaming skull. They go into the coffin room with all the Gibdo mummies and Keese bats. It's amazing how Arin can take on so many enemies and freestyle rap at the same time! He does barely make it out alive though after getting the key.

They end with a nice rap and Danny doing that amazing audio clipped DJ voice thing. It's the last session they have in the Grump Room before it gets remodelled. They also have a little video clip of themselves showing the room as it is currently. Must keep an eye on the gamegrumpsofficial Instagram page to see updates!

Sunday 15 May 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-epNV-wCTE

Arin and Danny talk about farts until this big spider thing appears. Arin takes care of it. Danny says it reminds him of The Stalk from Saga. I looked it up and wow. That's really something...

That screaming skeleton thing was really creepy... there's also this enemy Arin hates that reduces his max  health. Now that's something terrifying. She also attacks with a branding iron. Pretty severe stuff.

Arin also introduces his "friend". It's a horrifying thing with a bulgy face that just looks at you. Lots of Dark Souls horrors on offer in this episode.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRMenbisTfc

Ray and Ross reveal the entrance to the Abandoned Factory dungeon.

Ross talks about Gameoverse and about turning 30 soon. What can I tell him about it? It just happens. They talk about Twitch emoticons and Newgrounds pop culture references too.

That's a cool cannon shooting move that they have now where you shoot down and rise upwards as you do.

Ah so Scuttle Town's all dark and spooky now and it plays the nighttime music from the original game too! Pretty cool :)

The field is all dark and silhouette-y and cool looking.

The last level looks much more difficult than the rest of the game. It's kinda like how Wario's Castle was so much more difficult than the rest of the levels in Super Mario Land 2.

Ray makes short work of the boss and that's it! Game crushed!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8j-4RKyxL0

Arin and Danny face the mini-boss and Danny finally gets a look at the horrifying and disgusting Dead Hand that lurks here. They call him "Glenn" before they look its name up.

They go on to talk about creepypastas. Creepypastas + Bottom of the Well + Game Grumps = can you even think of a more awesome and cosy thing? :)

Then they talk about.... goo shooting nutrition and stories. A different kind of creepy pasta! Honk!

Arin falls down the same hole twice and Danny gets mad at him. He tries again and inches across the narrowest possible ledge! Holy cow! It put me on the edge of my seat I can tell you! A Like Like attacks as well! It's action packed! Goo packed too! (not really sorry)

Saturday 14 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 35 - Danny Discovers B*Witched! :D

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2GP8HkcVBE

Before the video it's Arin... I mean... Tricky Dicky the hand in another of these lovely skits! He tells us not to bother with politics and just watch YouTube videos instead. OK Tricky Dicky!

Arin and Danny talk about Peter Dinklage's "Space Pants" thing. I haven't seen it. I love the actor but I haven't seen any Game of Thrones.

They love C'est La Vie by B*Witched! Oh my heart! I am so happy right now! That's one of the greatest things Ireland has ever produced and I am so happy to see that they like it! We couldn't pull ourselves away from that song when it came out in the charts! Their addiction now is what ours was back then!

They looked like moms huh? That's true I suppose. I do remember thinking that Irish teenage girls were kind of mom-like when I was a kid.

Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Part 11 - Twerk Request

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87BH7zu_nio

Ray and Ross head back to the desert with their new dashing ability and do some subquest. It's awesome seeing them bulldoze through previously explored areas! I love doing that in games :)

They talk about Holly's April 1st video. It's really funny :)

They talk a bit about Super Mario Maker when they come across a hard part of the level near Propeller Town as it reminds Ross of a level he made. I can still hear Dan and Arin's anguished cries! Ross' levels are pretty popular online. He's on my Follow list but I don't like playing his levels!

Love that twerking at the end with Shantae and Rottytops! Well requested Ross! You guys have made a lot of people happy ending on that note!

Spongebob Squarepants The Battle For Bikini Bottom Part 4 - Bum Bum Patter

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2JIEtt8wZI

Arin and Danny begin with a ditty with dark lyrics! Arin's losing it, poor guy! Danny's having a great time though!

"Bum Bum Patter" is an amazing name for faeces!

I like that Dan watches the show as well. They're both great comedians and I've always enjoyed them. Those little skit things Arin has been doing lately are lovely.

Poor Arin wants this to be the last episode. Maybe it's time, maybe they could revisit. We'll see!

Pakka Pets Part 1 - Tamagotchi and Animal Crossing Like!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz-NIFClsgc

Suzy is playing this brand new game! Her cute avatar is all jelly eyed and flushed with excitement so she must like it!

The graphics are very nice! It seems a lot like Animal Crossing and Tamagotchi. I hope this game isn't like "Can Your Pet?", because, you know, the word "Pakka" seems a bit like "Can". So I hope by "Pakka", they don't mean pack-a your pet into a can.

Friday 13 May 2016

Game Grumps at the Petting Zoo

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsumYKmur_g

Arin does an MTV like introduction to the video and it's the Grumps at the Ren Fair! Lots of fun noisy captions too!

"Wow he's got hair like me!" Danny says about an alpaca.

Love Holly's costume and hair ornament.

Ross isn't in costume. Maybe he's like Sonic And The Black Knight.

This looks like a fun time! Pity about the standoffish alpaca though.

Dark Souls III Part 34 - Illusory Walls

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZN7W5cfzg4

Arin and Danny find an illusory wall while having a discussion about game graphics looking sweet now but the same ones looking old as time goes by.

I don't think Arin's lame! I don't like crowds, party people, bars or clubs either.

Hmm... I've never had a cold drink in a hot shower before... maybe I'll bring a can of soda in there someday. I can't imagine I would get any extra fun from it though.

They die quite a bit in this episode... very strong enemies. Those fiery ones seem really tough to deal with. they're just having fun and hanging out too. That gate opening though was a good call!

Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Part 10 - High Speed Hitstop

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JsVyQtzHdg

Ray and Ross are back after a break they took where they went to a sweet arcade. They get the boots which gives them a great fast running ability. I love that hitstop/sticky friction thing when Shantae breaks a block while running.

Cool boss Dagron (the misspelled monstrosity) here! Ray makes short work of it cos he's a pro!

Spongebob Squarepants The Battle For Bikini Bottom Part 3 - Gameoverse rubberninja Twitch Promo Thingy

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3D5TTrPzU0

Arin appears before the video in a cool skit(not mysterious anymore, this is straight and to the point!) talking about Ross' show Gameoverse and how he's a writer on it. He also gives out the rubberninja Twitch link. Must hang out there again sometime!

Arin and Danny say how amazing it is that so many people wanted them to play this game. It does seem like a nostalgic thing, kinda reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot, but a lot more wide open.

Spongebob's laugh sounds like a bleat. Is it really that hard to do? Maybe to do well. Love Arin's voice for Patrick as well!

Hunie Cam Studio Part 16 - Super Pro Suzy

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO37yEpDPvA

Different thumbnail this time! The cute Suzy avatar is there with big jelly like adoring eyes. What a change from the first bunch of thumbnails for this series!

Suzy and Arin start again with another super pro playthrough. Suzy talks about different strategies she's employed and all the stuff she learned through playing.

Arin mentions how addicted to this game Suzy is and how she's like a powerful businesswoman. She's crazy good!

Thursday 12 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 33 - You're Not Me!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM_ONWiNd6g

Before the video, Ian McElhinney appears to introduce the episode. Wow! That's a surprise right there!

Arin and Danny fast travel. Mario Kart 96? Whoa!

Ghost scone! Love that :)

Danny tells a story about Jack. Don't worry about the impression sounding Scottish Danny, the Northern accent is similar in many ways to the Scottish one!

Love that discussion of human disagreements happening since there were just two people! Funny stuff :)

Wow that fiery death was like Scorpion's fatality move in Mortal Kombat.

Danny tries Soylent. That description they have for it sounds like it's soya milk or something? Hrmm...

Arin and Suzy loving food together sounds like such a sweet thing :)

That joke falling flat and post joke discussion on what their worst joke is is fun too. Hmm... I wonder what their worst joke actually is?

Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Part 9 - Baracknophobic Memory

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOd-SB9PG1A

Ray and Ross venture to the boggy island and Ross is awestruck by it all!

They talk about the life changing experience that is heated toilet seats and about Ross' crazy travelling schedule recently.

That story about Ross falling asleep and telling the Baracknophobic joke sounds very familiar! I definitely heard something like that on the show before! I bet Danny told it.

I agree Ross, how would he have known that? That ground looks like any other ground. I'm not crazy about walls(or floors in this case) that don't have "tells" or any kind of clue that there's a secret beyond. Not crazy about that at all. If you had a map then that's grand though.

That's interesting about a game with bad animation ruining the game experience for someone. I remember the Happy Mask Salesman in Majora's Mask being really weird when he jerks from one gesture to another. Ocarina Of Time just didn't have that jerkiness at all. So yeah, I'd agree (even though that didn't ruin Majora's Mask). Same with sound too if a game's sound was bad.

Spongebob Squarepants The Battle For Bikini Bottom Part 2 - Trippy Versus Giggly

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YMj49zvFYo

Arin and Danny do voices for the chattering boxes at the start. That's gas because they stop chattering as soon as they try to do voices for them!

Wow that bouncy flower made it seem like Jumping Flash for a moment.

They talk about American chain restaurants again.

That realistic hand reaching out was bizarre and funny!

Sophie's Curse Part 2 With iHasCupquake - Please No, Sophie

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAvwpf6pKus

Suzy and Tiff have to deal with the door opening by itself. After another jumpscare, they have a look at the instructions in more depth. There are several more jumpscares and they are pretty jarring.

They think they see a naked person running out of the bathroom. No it's Sophie.

A couple of ways they try to cope is to call Sophie a good girl and try to bargain with her by calling her out on her immaturity!

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Samurai Abstinence Patrol - NSP, My Review!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWXIZk2kTKQ

Super fun animated video by Brandon Turner! I'm gonna have to watch it again to catch some of the gags that sped by as I was watching! So, this song is about Danny and Brian facing their enemies, Arin and Barry of the Samurai Abstinence Patrol. Their clash of ideals, to have sex or to abstain from sex makes for an awesome conflict and plays through like epic musical folklore. Lots of great humour too. The end is ambiguous, which is probably intentional and perhaps it is a battle that is to continue within the listener as they make their own sexual decisions. I do love the sex positivity of NSP's side, which is something that is part of their legacy and one of the big reasons I love them so much!

Under The Covers update & thank you!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PinJ3tpFmk

Didn't notice this video! Time to write about it. Brian and Danny appear and thank the amazing Ninja Sex Party fans for the awesome support! Imagine having to sign over 40,000 CDs? That's really crazy. Way better than doing a job you don't like doing 40,000 times though. It's a wonderful success story :) Hope the good times keep rolling.

Dark Souls III Part 32 - Get Some Strange

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo8WpLBeWJI

Arin and Danny fight some more.

They recruit a guy named Dugungar for a fight. Get some "strange"? I never heard that term before! Not in any Westerns anyway.

They level up their gear and stuff and rendez vous with characters they met before. It's kinda nice.

Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Part 8 - Fresh As Daisies

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVGqttag-SI

Ray and Ross talk about the break they had to take due to all the footage they recorded from all the recent guests. Can't wait to watch the episode with Rob Schneider!

That's a really awkward place for a Heart Squid to be...

They beat the Squid Baron, grab some collectibles and get ready for the next island. Ahoy!

Spongebob Squarepants The Battle For Bikini Bottom Part 1 - Highly Requested

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcEwwSnvzdY

Before the video, Brian and Danny appear and tell us about the release of the animated video for Ninja Sex Party's song "Samurai Abstinence Patrol", animated by Brandon Turner. Ross also appears in the background, photobombing.... er.... videobombing and ruining everything. Actually no, he's just having a snack or something. Must watch this video after tonight's Grumps!

Arin and Danny thank loads of people for sending them this game. I'm glad Danny's never seen Spongebob, because I'm a newbie as well. I have watched the movie that came out last year and it was brilliant, but I haven't watched the cartoon. Danny's learning experience is also mine!

Seriously though, he's never seen Rocko?! What the heck man....

Then again, Rocko wasn't ever as ubiquitous as Spongebob. Spongebob is probably on TV right now as I type this, or as you read this.

Wow this is a big tutorial and training area.

Danny begs for at least three episodes of this, the next of which has a story Arin is gonna tell!

Sophie's Curse Part 1 With iHasCupquake - Cranky Lights

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZZbn3g9mCw

Suzy's joined by Tiffy iHasCupquake for this new playthrough! Is that her in the thumbnail?

But yeah, loud noises and jumpscares is the name of the game here! That's right, cattle prod stuff. Be careful when watching!

It's a bit strange how you have to crank the lights to keep them on but it works for the game. Suzy's creeped out and says she can only play games like this during the day! I was always the same with the likes of Silent Hill :)

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 31 - Longfinger Invades

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKuVzbhsUBU

Arin appears before the video in another mysterious sketch! It's a totally serious message where he wants to meet Chris Pratt and have him on the show. I'm sure he really would though!

Arin and Danny start with the classic 5318008 calculator joke. Then someone with "longfinger" in their username invades and you're right Danny, that really is something you don't want to actually happen!

Arin takes care of him and says it's not an actual player? Whaaat? Ah well, it was still fun watching!

"How can there be updates to a game that came out 6 hours ago?" Danny asks. Arin says "Welcome to 2016", I say day one patches are really just a form of online authentication.

They have another strategy with the giant, stabbing at his foot. His fall looks pretty awesome! Worm eye view of the taint and everything!

Next time they're fighting more dudes! Yeah!

Sushi Go-Round - Stresshi

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRhMKsfMo6c

Brian and Barry play this sushi bar sim. They talk about sushi and sushi places they've visited.

Barry talks about LA and its perpetual sunshine. They get 2 weeks of Winter? The total opposite of here, where it's 2 weeks of Summer if we're lucky.

Wow the 6 people at the end coming in all at once! Pretty stressful looking game here!

Zelda Ocarina Of Time Part 56 - Fantasy Buying

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JzCPlTv6RU

Arin and Danny face the Bottom of the Well today. I never really took notice of the Skulltula's teeth going red like that... huh...

I loved that Perry Bible Fellowship webcomic :)

Love Danny's observations in this dungeon, with the ReDeads in the underneath part and the hands holding the wooden things up. Very dark.

They talk about what fun thing they would buy if they had all the money for it. Arin's arcade sounds kinda sweet and Danny's thing about buying a sports team sounds fun too. Arin's nice house in Japan idea sounds cool too. Danny's Last Unicorn animation cell idea is the best and funniest! He wins this one!

Not sure what I would have. Maybe a flying apartment or something like that, but then that involves houses and travel. I'm not sure.

Wow, seeing the "HAMAD" name from space. That's pretty crazy.

Hunie Cam Studio Part 15 - Cam Biz Accountancy

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwc-9MRaEBI

Suzy and Arin take a moment to enjoy the website / community names in the game! They are quite funny. Sweet Breezers for Cake Farting is pretty funny!

That studio report thing with all the statistics is pretty interesting alright.

They adore Lillian the goth girl! I'm not sure who my favourite is.

Monday 9 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 30 - Cheese It And Win

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO4NXhYXDwc

Arin and Danny try out a Mimic-like monster! It chases them upstairs. Danny wonders about the giant and then CRUSH! Ouchie.

I will type 'y' for luring that tongue treasure chest monster to the giant!

That strategy of running away then hitting and repeating is an ancient and effective one!

I forgive Arin for trapping that giant spider enemy in the door and wailing on it. Be as cheesy as you like!

Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Part 7 - Achievements and MMOs

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2reFTR0ZMyk

Ray and Ross enter a stealth section! Shantae's all dressed up in a way that'll get people talking.

Ray talks about the Xbox Gamerscore. I knew about it but I learned a lot from Ray talking about it here and giving examples of stuff that you can do. Ross' awe is mine too!

They rescue the other girls in the place. I didn't know Sky was a blonde! Though you don't often see her hair. I did recognise her straight away though!

Ross talks about MMO RPGs he used to play growing up. I've heard about some of them but don't know any of them. That one with 50 player capacity sounds awesome and cosy!

He also talks about his love of grinding. It's one of the great mysteries of gamers isn't it?

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 55 - Awesome Purple Static 64

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56PV7FUayaE

Arin and Danny go to Kakariko and that awesome scene where the.... thing that breaks out of the well plays. You know they're playing the N64 version, because it comes out as this disturbing and awesome purple static flow of energy. In later versions of this game, it only comes out as this terracotta stain that looks lame in comparison.

Danny compliments Sheik's butt. Arin says he'll be pleasantly surprised. Hehe! Shhhh!

It's a good episode for music! The Nocturne of Shadow and Song of Storms are learned here. They discuss this time paradox stuff since the windmill was already messed up but it's only now they're learning the song. Whoaaaaa. It's great seeing Danny view this through fresh eyes! That windmill cutscene is fantastic. It's a bit like the climax of Castle of Cagliostro, where the clock goes mental and the water drains away.

Next up is the Bottom of the Well. One of the freakiest parts of the game. Danny's poor, fresh eyes...! I can't wait!

Also, this is the 4,000th Game Grumps video! Nice benchmark you guys :)

Sunday 8 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 29 - Batly Batterson And Randall The Pineapple

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU0s-h4Vu_8

Arin, I mean Batly Batterson, appears before the video in another of these mysterious sketches. The joke he tells makes this one of the best yet! That Randall The Pineapple is awesome too.

Arin and Danny talk about weird girls. The not so good kind. Though the pizza eating one is ok.

Yes the first 10 minutes of Up were very sad and made kids cry in the cinema when I saw it.

Wow, that's an impressive giant they come across.

The dictionary definitions of the terms they look up are quite interesting and funny to explore! :)

Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Part 6 - Ross The Man vs. Ross The Let's Player

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2reFTR0ZMyk

Ray and Ross touch on the renovations that are gonna take place in the Grump Office. They talk more about streaming too. I wonder how the dynamic will change when Ross puts walls around his desk? We'll soon see I suppose.

They talk more about livestreaming and Ray makes more progress, increasing stamina and heading to the next island!

They have a little behind the scenes talk too about performing on a Let's Play and how different it is to working on a livestream.

Man, those statues are tricky. So cute though :)

Yeah the island system thing is cool. Other games have this kind of system too.

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 54 - Water Temple Episode 7 out of 7, ARIN WAS RIGHT

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYiWOucU4Es

Arin and Danny are at the boss door. It's Giant Aquatic Amoeba Morpha! WOW! I didn't know about that cornering strategy! Nicely done Arin!

Also, double WOW because it really did take 7 episodes for Arin to beat this temple like he said! How does he do it?

Some nice funny voices for Ruto and Sheik and it's back outside!

They spend a good bit looking for what dived into the water and it's pretty funny! It was Sheik guys! He was on top of the tree too! Everyone noticed that back in the day but not now for some reason. Ah well, at least they got the Fire Arrows.

I don't have a Blu-Ray player either Danny. That's actually more normal than you'd think.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Loot Whuhhhh??

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFGcheWwbGU

Arin and Suzy's LootCrate advert is reuploaded here on its own for our pleasure and information! It's a nice little cosy ad where they play hangman to try and spell out the word LootCrate. Suzy gets to act like a silly kitty here and Arin's played around with like a ball of yarn. D'awh!

The Skateboard Kid - JonTron

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsWlKOwqlD4

Jon's back with another movie review! Yay! I've never seen this one but I remember the skateboard craze of the 80s and early 90s. I was too nervous to skate!

Watching Jon dressed up in a chicken suit and waving nun chucks like that is sublime!

Uh... was that lady asking for directions an actual lost stranger? Nah.... couldn't be...

He gets a little bit How To Basic with those eggs :P

Holy cow, punching through the skateboard? Unreal :O

That whole thing with the pet goldfish... what the heck indeed?

OMG. That Dom DeLuise twist all of a sudden. The board can fly too and Jon's all speechless! The idea of a flying skateboard is pretty cool though.

I'm so glad Jon highlighted and edited this all down into a bite size review chunk! Hoo boy...

DOUBLE OMG! That music number Jon does at the end with that band and everything! Awesome! Be sure to watch it if you haven't. He looks freaking amazin' here!

Dark Souls III Part 28 - I Watched The Opening At Least Three Times(Thanks Arin!)

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NtgGp2WFUc

Arin appears before the video for another mysterious live action segment! He thanks us, the fans for doing all this creative fan stuff. I dunno if I could call my blog thing creative, but I love doing it and it's important and fun to me. Thank you Arin, I'll keep making! You too!

Arin and Danny come in all buffed up and Arin explains the stuff he worked on offscreen.

Ahh that guy was so sweet, giving Danny permission to tell those jokes :)

Discussing comedy can be fun. That thrust butt hole thing Arin did is amazing! The future of social media, everyone!

They both sing the tune for "Powerhouse" which is always fun :)

Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Part 5 - Life and Livestreaming

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q73i0gakxpU

Ray and Ross continue through the dungeon. It has the same tune as the first game's first dungeon! I kinda forget if this is the default tune of all the dungeons of the series.

They talk about the Grump Office and about how lucky and thankful they are to be able to make a living doing this stuff. It's nice :)

Ah, they say C.V. in Australia too. Interesting.

Some of Ross' family thinks he reviews games for a living. Some people in my life think I review games as a hobby when I tell them I blog about games! But no, not especially. I just like doing the text commentary on my game sessions.

I love Ross' support of fellow artists :)

Interesting story about his Justin.tv partnership.

This dungeon is pretty cool! Love that wind blowing the hat upwards!

Very nice of Ray to give livestreaming advice and so cool to hear Ross and him discuss various points about it!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 53 - Water Temple Episode 6 out of 7, It Looks Like Arin Could Get This Right

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BORolbw7FCg

Arin and Danny say "Ralph" while burping, or is it Rowlf the dog? Also, nice jump slicing of that Tektite, Arin!

I like that thing about someone doing something that's an opposite gender specific thing!

All artists have bad handwriting? What about calligraphers? Tatsuya Ishida draws and writes really well!

Meowing like a cat and then going off playing video games! What a way to make a living! Wouldn't make as good a song though.

I need to try Wendy's someday...

It's a pity Danny doesn't eat red meat anymore since he likes it so much.

Wow, nice Street Fighter lore by Arin! Enlightening history lesson from Danny too about Buffalo and Bison! We learn stuff on this show!

Hunie Cam Studio Part 14 - They're Just Puppets

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpHI4H9VxjU

Suzy and Arin recruit a gothy girl without hesitation!

Also, holy cow, that impression Arin does of Steve-O as a camgirl. WOW!

I'll always remember that accent Arin and Danny did when they made the cake farting jokes in Super Mario Sunshine!

At least Arin's Chicken Crispers story had a happy ending!

If Wendy's bring back the Pretzel Burger over there, I ought to give Arin and Suzy a list of stuff I want brought back!

"They're just puppets". That's an awesome story about this thing Suzy's dad said about getting emotional over cartoons :)

Friday 6 May 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 105 - Swedish Fish Story

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucVhpW3wJ40

Arin appears before the video to advertise his Twitter handle egoraptor! He's right, he does post some lovely cartoony artwork there. But yeah, it's another mysterious video sketch!

Arin and Danny moved on from "eSports" by omgh4x, thank goodness. Now it's on to "Slide! (You need that mushroom)" by Sunder.

Hmm... sliding on ice and avoiding spikes. This reminds me of the Battletoads level with the snakes.

Haha that's funny about Danny being teased about "crushing" on Twitter. Hmm... At least he has a sense of humour about it :)

Next they go on to "Claustrophobia" by Kai.

It's a fun little stage, triangle jumping and bouncing on loads of Goombas in a barrel!

Next is "Schaft es MARIO ????" by Rino.

Mysterious title! Short red coin collecting stage with a potentially nasty surprise at the end! Actually I wonder if it can really mess you up? I'm not sure.

Arin shares a funny little anecdote about hanging out with PewDiePie and talking about Swedish Fish sweets!

Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Part 4 - Run Shantae Run!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymqyIoDf4mo

Ray and Ross talk about the content creation on both of their shows and compare them. It's kinda interesting. I like the sound of the way the Grumps do it. Ross then talks about how he makes money through Twitch donations. Hmmm... sounds interesting. Ray does a Twitch show too.

Really interesting to hear them be able to do stuff they love full time with the support of the awesome. I'd like to be able to do that someday.

That running segment with Shantae and Rottytops was kinda fun.

Qatherine - By CrikeyDave

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg-urvrwO8o

This cartoon is inspired by the discussion of how Jirard found Catherine on hard mode to be the hardest game he ever completed. It looks really good! So professional looking with the designs and the colours are lovely too. Another great thing about this is all the strange ways Qatherine can be depicted, based on how she's described here.

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 52 - Water Temple Episode 5 out of 7, You Tektite!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wujsPwBTn3o

Arin and Danny didn't go out the same door! Whew! As I suspected but forgot to check before, vortexes can also be called vortices. Also, Danny observes how the map looks like a cute snakey thing :3

It's funny about Ross taking metaphors literally. The "met a four" joke is a nice one :)

They discuss the notion of mentioning people and then those people hearing about the Grumps and what the Grumps said about them. Accountability is a pretty big thing. Graciousness of your subjects is a big thing too I suppose, but you still worry don't you! Worry about people being stung. I blog so I relate to this in some sense!

Ah, they're remodelling the Grump Space? How nice! I'll look forward to seeing that in future live action segments and on Instagram, etc!

Danny makes an interesting observation about the 3D Zelda gameplay and atmosphere here.

When Arin likens Danny to a Tektite, man... it's so funny! "That's YOU" he says in exasperation. Yes that same Tektite (the monster, not Danny) jumped into me and jarred me so many times on different playthroughs!

Hunie Cam Studio Part 13 - Buying and Saving and Modelling

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1kWMsi8NI4

Suzy and Arin talk about introductions and endings to videos. Suzy's pretty good at the introductions alright.

They talk about saving money and stuff. About modelling too. Interesting stuff here. They're both good-looking though.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 104 - Top That Some More

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzR_ecnr3nY

Arin and Danny talk about the Top That scene in the Teen Witch movie. I've seen that scene before because Danny said to watch it in another episode! It's something special alright :)

Wow, I'd love to see them recreate that scene! For a new generation!

They move on to "Unlikely Companion (version 2)" by Sunder.

It's a swamp-wadingly slow level by Arin's friend. Arin makes it though and there's a nice sense of satisfaction on him beating it. Neat idea with the Boo and the Buzzy Beetle. Not too long either. Neat.

While waiting for stuff to happen, they imagine the music saying stuff like "this is awkward" and "yeeeeeaaaahhhh", which is humorous :)

In suggestions, Arin sees "eSports" by omgh4x, so he has to try it out. Oh my gosh it seems impossible. It looks like it could be one of those extreme difficulty stages I see on livestreams. I wonder how he's going to get the shell up there?

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Part 3 - Shiny Happy Girls Reflecting Sunshine

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIv0gCU5w8E

Ray and Ross get the Petrify spell after a fun event with shiny skinned girls in bikinis. Very cute! They make their way to the grieving bearded man and he turns himself to stone. :/ it breaks way to the first dungeon but.... still....

Ross tells a nice story about "Buglord". He also uses his Australian Siri to say fun stuff! He also misses his wife Holly terribly since she went on a trip! Especially when he talks about all the pigeon stuff he has to do! He gives a voice to the Squid Baron too and it's pretty sweet! If you can imagine a giant baby, that's what it sounds like!

Ray's pretty handy at this game! I love Metroidvanias and really should make a diary about one some day.

Best of Game Grumps - Apr 2016

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyoBgl3KEqo

The best of April starts, like most things, with bad sex advice. Funny laugh outburst here :)

So yeah, Jacob Anderson was here, as was Steve-O. Eventful month :)

That was perfect talking about Homeward Bound dog and then the skeleton dog appears in Dark Souls III! "There he is! It's been 30 years!". Great fortunate timing!

It's amazing how long they held the chicken Cucco in their C Buttons.

Barry and Brian were great to hold down the fort!

Oh man, when Arin bombed that tiny Goron I was gobsmacked at how he was able to manage it! Also yeah I love that Smash Mouth spoof singing of the dialogue too! T'was amazin'!

I love when Steve-O teases Danny about his love life! That episode was like a boy's slumber party :)

While playing with Jacob, Arin recalls his anger of playing with Zelda just then. Nice to hear this after that particular Zelda episode came just before this highlight!

Love that elevator music during that chase panic in Dark Souls III!

The accent fun with Jacob was brilliant too! :)

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 51 - Water Temple Episode 4 out of 7, Dark Slurmped

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMhN_gC0Fp4

Arin and Danny face Dark Slurmp. It's a toughie! One thing I would've advised here is to cast Farore's Wind so they can warp back just in case.

It's pretty stressful for Arin and he reckons he'll have to meditate afterwards. This was just before the session with Game of Thrones star Jacob Anderson, even though we already saw that episode. Weird time schedule stuff man!

They apply the "cheese" strategy and Arin's in a good mood again :) yay! Why not if it makes you happy!

They get the Longshot and... oh no... they're not actually going to go back out the same door, are they? Oh man I hope not... We'll have to find out next time.

Hunie Cam Studio Part 12 - Tetris Wonder Woman

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ7flf3qNjY

Suzy and Arin wonder if the game's deliberately not giving them stuff. Arin talks about Resident Evil 4 and the way it gives you stuff. It's pretty interesting.

They also talk about this songwriter that is really confident in her ability at Tetris! Suzy doesn't think much of it so Arin says they should have her on the show for a showdown between her and Suzy at Tetris! That would be pretty rad :)

They also talk about Charles Manson for a while and in-jail economics. Variety of topics here!

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 103 - Don't Kill Bill Volume 1 & 2

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWyJmJwqMZQ

Arin and Danny return to Super Mario Maker once more! They give shoutouts to people who completed the Swim stage.

They start with "Don't Kill Bill" by Jaegar. Bullet Bills! Nice play on words! Nice idea where you have to use them for bouncing across gaps further along in the level. Pretty tricky though.

Arin and Danny talk about love and hate and stuff. Was he talking about Mario Twins at one stage?

He wins finally when he remembers the mid-air twirl. Yay :)

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Part 2 - First Island

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Vwr2ZpTXJg

Ross and Ray welcome Tina to talk about her experience in keeping pigs. Ross then talks about the 50+ pets that he and Holly keep. Yikes.

I never actually used the spike ball in Risky's Revenge. It reminds me of the followers in Pop'n Twinbee. I should.

Yes, all 3 Shantae platformers are in the Metroidvania style :)

Rottytops is the girl's name :)

I love seeing Ross discover Shantae through this video series! It's so awesome :) If he thinks the level select looks cool, he should see the town navigation from the first game. That was incredibly cool.

Jake Kaufman I'm sure did the music for this game.

Love those attractive statues coming up out of the ground! Games like this celebrate that kind of thing and it gives me a happy feeling and I love that :)

Ooo those waterfall chompy things I hate from the first game are here too... they don't seem to be as horrible here though.

Ah I'd love to have this game on a cartridge or something.... I love the previous two Shantae games.

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 50 - Water Temple Episode 3 out of 7, Dark Slurmp

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIDBJV6bG1M

Arin and Danny climb up and up. I love Danny's whispering to us :)

Love Arin's muttering too when he falls off the platform! That room is kinda taxing but satisfying at the end when you're rising on top of the head.

Wow that's unfortunate about the arcade game name thing with the letters A, S and S if your initials were genuinely like that... That never happened in Ireland though because we always had an O or an M or N in the middle.

The battle with the Dark Slurmp starts here too!

Hunie Cam Studio Part 11 - Diet and Sleep Habits

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Giym5FVsuO8

Suzy and Arin continue Suzy's pro run through.

Kevin is like "uh?" in the text when Suzy says Lailani is like a girl Kevin! She doesn't hire her though.

I like Arin's scolding of Suzy filling up his schedule with KKG :) cute.

They talk about dieting and how hard it can be. I don't find it too difficult but it takes ages to get results. Results do happen though. They also talk about sleeping habits. Lifestyle episode :) important topics though!

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 27 - Prince Harming

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_e9VCWSEDg

Arin and Danny continue souling in the dark. At least they get along well with each other!

Danny talks about messages he and Barry leave one another on their fridge with the magnetic letters. Prince Harming is an awesome internet handle! :) Online interactions in this game are interesting enough.

Maggot monsters are disgusting. Yeesh.

Nice to see messages by other people can be humorous :)

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Part 1 - Finally! Shantae!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8_ZZVy9c2U

Yay for Shantae appearing on the channel! Ross is playing the third game with Ray Narvaez Jr. He's a pro at the game.

No Ross, please don't do that voice! :O

But yeah, Shantae was always really cute :)

We don't really have those redemption games here... 

Ross, that manga you're trying to think of is likely to be Initial D! I never played Kingdom Hearts either.

Yup, that twerk booty shake was always in the series, even in the GBC original!  So cute!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 49 - Water Temple Episode 2 out of 7, Grape Ape Rules, Godzooky Does Not

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcDCIyWlRdc

Arin and Danny tangle with more clams! Yeah Danny, t-shirts do take ages to dry for some reason. I dunno. Sweaters and pants don't take anywhere near as long. It's weird.

Yeah I would agree that Grape Ape is a kaiju. A very lovable one! Much more lovable than Godzooky anyway. Godzooky sucks.

Quiplash XL With Ninja Sex Party - Peegina

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fbf7mGusUg

Suzy, Brian and Danny play some more of these smartphone voting games.

Some good answers here and worth watching for Suzy saying the C word and Brian's peegina story.

Monday 2 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 26 - Little Barber Bib

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFM9vo8lCqo

Arin and Danny face a Crystal Sage briefly. They talk about jokes they think of when re-watching episodes and then the joke comes up in the recording, even though they don't remember saying it. I'm kinda like that too when re-reading diary entries.

They then talk about the subject of foreskin restoration. Interesting conversation for them to have!

Return of the Obra Dinn - Brian Approves

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJexHfXWFmw

Barry and Brian take on this classy looking game with black and white graphics! Kinda like a Game Boy and kinda like a Macintosh Plus System 6 too.

They are wowed by the graphics and the stopwatch thing that shows violent scenes that happened in the past.

Oh my gosh, that scene with the rain in midair on deck and the chaos all around is breathtaking! Wow!

There's a lot of clue hunting in this game and you have to determine a lot of stuff like in Cluedo. This is pretty cool. Brian is very impressed too! I've never seen him like this! This game is something very special.

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 48 - Water Temple Episode 1 out of 7

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UApxizE-zVc

Arin and Danny talk about an old cartoon Arin did for FOX. Sounds like a funny one :)

They enter the Water Temple and Arin said it would take 7 episodes to beat, so I'll count from here!

Danny handles the reunion with Princess Ruto like Ace Ventura or something!

Wasn't that famous Bart Simpson phrase "I didn't do it"? Anyway, when I was a kid I loved Bart Simpson shirts so much! Totally swept up in that fad I was :)

Arin! Dude! Use your shield on the charging clams!

Sunday 1 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 25 - BS Classes

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3Cc5RQOGZA

Arin and Danny reach an area that's a very pretty Winter cityscape. Looks very nice!

They talk about BS classes in school and they were the best! I had plenty of those too :) so lovely to hear Danny and Arin talk about theirs. Yup, the gym / P.E. teacher would tell stories to us too!

Arin retraces his steps and cuts through another area he shouldn't be in yet. Makes this game have a sense of labyrinth which is nice :)

Jackbox Party Pack 2 Part 3 Fibbage 2 - Thumbs Cup

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGxY_o1TOoU

Not to be confused with the other time Suzy, Ross and Barry played Fibbage XL! It was over on KittyKatGaming and this is on Grumpcade! Whew!

Another nice episode of funny answers and I like the "Thumbs Cup"! Very clever!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 47 - Blue Link is Beautiful, Blue Link is Best

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXiTKH73FgA

Arin and Danny defeat the Wolfos and meet Sheik again. Their N64 has not been switched off in forever! What a sturdy console it is :) I wouldn't push it though. Arin says this game is similar to Dark Souls. Well, it has rolling! Sword and Shield too of course. Then he drops the cool factoid about Twilight Princess' mirrored world to make Link right-handed in the Wii version.

Inspired by the disco-like design in the walls, they sing like the Bee Gees :)

Arin remembers the blue flame! But he goes back to the puzzle room to get it... Wow... making it harder on himself... ah well, it exercises his Zelda muscle more.

The falling moon impresses Danny. In the PAL version of the game, everything was slower so the moon only dropped much slower than this so it's kinda weird for me to see too. I've said it before but this makes it more realistic in our version!