Saturday 3 September 2016



Barry and Suzy lose their option fish again on the transition to a different area. Is it like a toll or something?

Aw those flower like creatures that close up when you talk to them. Barry making that not fitting in at a party joke sounds so sad! Aw!

Wow, swimming with whales :) that scene looks spectacular.

Whoa, those upside down electrifying pyramids look scary. Reminds me of the evil council from Kung Pow.

Yikes, more electric danger later on :(

Haha, giving the little crab a kiss :)

Funny how they say buttholes instead of caves.

Who is this shark friend? Suzy goes nuts when Barry delays helping him :)

Rainbow fish?

Yes, deep sea fish look unbelievably freaky :(

They should get more nautilus friends alright because the two they do have look lonely.

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