Saturday 3 September 2016



Before the video there's an explanation about the audio issues this episode has. I think... is it one of the SuperMega guys that's speaking here? Anyway, it's nice of him to make this announcement.

Arin and Danny discuss the spelling of doughnut.

Was Tokyo Drift really the first movie about drifting?

Haha that Larry Mustache dialogue is pretty funny :)

That's pretty silly alright the way they just stand in the heavy rain! I guess it's an excuse to show off the wet effect on their clothes though. Graphics!

Freckly Fiona's kind of cute. It's just the unkind name the game gives her and the Xbox 360 graphics.

Wow, all those giant posters on the wall of individual chess pieces. I think it's safe to assume he plays games :)

The audio stuff isn't too bad in this episode... I haven't noticed anything strange anyway.

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