Wednesday 5 October 2016



Barry and Ross explore the poop factory further.

Of course you can turn off auto-fight... they get into that nightmarish situation where they have a status effect where their accuracy takes a hit and enemies keep summoning more cohorts! It takes ages to get through it while Barry cries out in Arin-like despair!

Barry talks about the time he visited a brewery.

They face Master Belch, who looks very much like Muk in the thumbnail! They defeat him handily. Barry gives him a belchy blobby voice and the following Mr Saturn a high pitched Gollum like voice. He's handy enough at the voice acting!

Yay, the coffee scene is here! Barry asks if Ross is sure he wants to have some before sipping. Nice of him! Barry then reads out the text crawl that happens during the lovely scene. Ross is like "okay..." but he rides it out. It's fun sharing this with them :) The first few times I played this it was awesome but kind of lonely. It's nice that Ross is here, even if he isn't that enthused by all the text.

By they way, did they know you can play the game with two controllers? Might be a laugh :)

Yeah it was the same episode guys! That was kind of funny :) they record the episodes together but a viewer doesn't necessarily watch them together unless it's a marathon.

They come up with theories as to how the zombies ended up in Threed at all. I dunno... all some alien X-Files stuff going on. But yeah, Threed is now lovely and peaceful yay!

I never really did that despawning enemy trick... might be handy.

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