Monday 30 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 84 Finale


Back with Arin and Danny for the finale! Even though it's the finale, they nonchalantly talk about living for hundreds of years and Chris Pratt.

They do a hilarious imitation of Mario being sick of Bowser's carry on for 30 years!

Arin says everyone should check out Pie Hill because it's the funniest thing on Planet Earth. I will Arin, I will.

After defeating Bowser and everything turns itself inside out, they give Rosalina a satanic Yoda voice.

They carry on with the schtick, imagining an awkward conversation between Mario, Peach and Bowser and continue on into the credits. Mr. Fukuda makes for a particularly funny joke :)

On starting the game again, Rosalina welcomes them back and tells them they have 21 stars they missed. Time to move on though! Danny and Arin then say they love each other. How nice! The end :)

This was a great playthrough and had lots and lots of great moments. I've been covering it since episode 71 but I watched the whole lot and it was great fun. Can't wait to see what they'll do next :)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 1


First post about Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! Ross, Barry and Brian will be playing this game. Strange enough that Danny isn't here as he's a big fan of the radio series.

Gutsy move doing a text adventure! I've got a good feeling this is going to be a cosy time! Brian's gonna read the narration. Ross and Barry are gonna put in commands as well as add their own funny commentary. It's gonna be fun!

We call it dressing gown here too :)

Ross knows what to do because he watched the movie :P

After a while they have to restore a save. This game features named saves and Ross is in charge of naming them! YES! Just like the Sierra playthroughs! All that's missing now is Danny! Ahhh! If you're nostalgic for older Steam Train episodes, this is a treat!

After another game over brought from drinking too much beer, they talk about Australian beer.

This episode is also worth checking out for the humble apology Brian gives over syntax usage in the game.

The episode ends shortly after the hitch hike. Omg this is going to be a fantastic series! I wonder what other lovelies think?

Dead Rising Part 23


Back with Arin and Danny as they face Isabella again! She's a toughie on her motorbike. They jump up on a safe spot to shoot at her. She disappears sometimes too. How are you supposed to fight without being stupidly awkward? At least it's fun to watch her roll over zombies.

After they defeat her a cutscene follows with them making lots of jokes. I can't think of a better way to experience this game!

Sunday 29 November 2015

Food Games (Part 1) - JonTron


Jon's back and reviewing games about food brand tie-in gaming! It's quite interesting to see this as we would have different brands over here. We don't have Cap'n Crunch for example and his game doesn't seem to use Daws Butler's voice either. Tidbits like that are like little treasures for me here. As far as I know, Daws Butler didn't record anything specifically for video games. I could be wrong though. I know Don Messick did some King's Quest alright.

Jacques is here too! Been too long buddy!

McDonald's appears here too with their games, McKids on NES, Global Gladiators on Mega Drive and McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure too.

Impressive budget/resources for these recent JonTron episodes! All these McDonald's hamburgers around the place and where the heck did the little horse come from!

Chex Quest looks like one of the most awesome freebies ever too. Buy cereal and get a free FPS to own forever! Stuff like that is magical.

Super Mario Galaxy Part 83


Woo! Back with Arin and Danny as they strike off to face Bowser! It's been a small while since we last saw an episode from this playthrough.

"We're in a silly mood today!" Danny says after a bunch of hilarious jokes they make about a truck driver cereal mascot they just invented. You gotta listen to it! :)

We also hear Mario facts and a calling out of Ross' hand washing habits or lack thereof. I gotta be honest though, I'm not big on pretzels. Not much taste from them.

This last stage is a toughie with its disappearing blocks, homing bullet bills and crazy gravity.

Impossible Creatures


Brian's debut on Steam Train! He's joined by Ross, who stumbles over the name of his show. The intro has Brian on the roof of the train and he's looking and staring to the left when the title comes up.

Besides the handlebar mustache and hat, Brian isn't given a job like "conductor" or "bandit". Since he has magical PhD powers, we can safely assume that it'll be some kind of secular scientist title.

This is why Ross deliberately chooses Impossible Creatures with its combinations of animals. He succeeds in trolling Brian, who gets annoyed by what he sees straight away!

They get laughs out of the unimpressive combinations of animals that seem to use their worst halves.

Brian tells this funny story about a kid being interested in ninjas and Wolverine and Ross talks about a time a kid talked to him about Transformers. We then learn that Brian collected them too! They then talk about Transformers for a while.

Ross plays on for a good while but...

Dead Rising Part 22


Poor Danny's gagging from Arin's stinky farts. They head out into the mall again, which now has those cult followers hanging around the place regularly.

They kid around about Dane Cook and Kraft Foods, making sure to say they're just kidding. Must be tough having to cover your back like that.

They meet Isabella, who attacks them on a motorbike and kills them so they reload and consult the walkthrough somebody sent them. Nice one :)

Looked up the trailer for Paranormal Whacktivity that Danny's friend made and he's right, it does look like one of those goofy silly comedies :)

He also sings "Hey now!" at one point and on the run up to it I knew he was going to sing it! :)

Anyway, they stock up on orange drinks in preparation for Isabella again.

Mario Party 10 Part 6


Arin and Danny put on humorous foreign accents and Danny finally gets a dragoneel treasure! Yay!

He makes a reference to Phil Hartman's dialogue in So I Married an Axe Murderer. Wow, I haven't seen that movie in a very long time! Ryan Reynolds looks a bit like him.

They continue doing the accent which I'm sure will make some quality Game Grumps Animated cartoons in the future! :)

After this, Danny rolls on to the final boss, a mega blooper. Danny gets all nostalgic for the time they played against the blooper boss in Super Mario Sunshine and he hopes Game Grumps goes on. Me too, Dan! Me too. :) I hope I can blog about it for as long as possible too. Danny makes a Tenacious D reference and I quote everything at the same time he does. This kind of thing I really love doing and I want to keep doing it!

Saturday 28 November 2015

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Part 5


Back with Barry and Ross for more alien hallway maze navigation and shooting!

Afterwards they're back outside on the Warthog, drivin' and shootin'. It's interesting how you can switch old and new graphics back and forth, original and remake. An excellent moment of this is when they're looking at the Halo, switching between versions and Barry says "they had the chance to add so many graphics, they didn't ask if they should", which blows Ross' mind.

Blows my mind too because it's so true! I find that modern game graphics can be really cluttered with stuff. Before, the sparseness was out of necessity but there's something to appreciate in using less.

Speaking of graphics, they come across a tree that has no collision detection! Ross manoeuvres the warthog so the tree is in the driver seat!

Barry says he can't wait until 1080p looks low-res. That would be interesting to see. I wonder if our living rooms and homes will grow in size as our TVs grow.

Dead Rising Part 21


We join Arin and Danny trying out their new weapon/toy, the excavator. It makes zombie corpses spin around on it and it's very very messy.

Next up, they come across a cult of all things. It's no coincidence that they move similar to the zombies. They manage to rescue Jennifer from them and it's back to the dreaded NPC escorting again! Otis constantly rings too and it all makes Arin scream! He succeeds in saving her, even though she keeps letting go of Frank's hand.

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 36


We join Arin and Suzy for a boss battle and Arin's story about the time he interviewed Yoji Shinkawa. He also got to ask Hideo Kojima a very interesting question about comedy. Check it out!

During the encounter they have to board the helicopter without the gigantic mech killing them and they pull it off in good time.

Next is a cutscene and Suzy has us all wondering what a revenge boyfriend is. Snake finally gets to shower as well back at the mother base.

Friday 27 November 2015

Mario Party 10 Part 5


We join Arin and Danny doing the minigame where you count the most out of different generations of goombas. Always found that one really interesting.

Arin talks about his honey eating habits. Hmm! Also his discovery of eating almonds and honey being this amazing combination. He also gets to open another dragon chest. When does Danny get a chance to do this!

Next, Peach rolls the last number that breaks Bowser's cage. Then it's the miniboss battle, the Mega Cheep-Cheep. Arin and Danny quite like this one and it reminds them of hot potato.

One pterodactyl joke later and Arin gets another dragon treasure! Dang! He's way ahead in the lead too!

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Part 5


Back with Barry and Ross, co-oping through alien corridors.

Barry dies but he's able to follow around like a ghost or something? Or is it a camera?

Ah, it's just a camera, now that I've seen from Ross' screen when he dies too. Anyway they both respawn and get back in the action.

Love Barry's humour. :)  "They're coming in from the rear! Get it? It's a butt joke."

Ross gets a big kick out of the little guys with shields doing rolls. It does look cute and probably makes it fun and easy to shoot them.

At the end they seem to finish their rescue mission and watch some cutscenes happening.

Dead Rising Part 20


We join Arin and Danny as they restore from a save point closer to Cliff the crazed veteran. They were a bit far away last time.

This boss fight looks like an absolute pain. They all do I suppose with the clunky combat standard of the time.

They have to run back to the supermarket to grab some more health replenishing orange juice. Danny's disappointed that the place is full of zombies now when it was empty before. I'm with him on that one — I love empty supermarkets! :) You know when it's a quiet time of day and you can browse without bumping into anyone? It's bliss!

They eventually beat him. During his final monologue, they note how he looks like Merle from The Walking Dead. Had to Google search as I've never watched it, but yeah he totally does.

Liquid Game Grumps! - by Cody Hawley


Ooo I love this dialogue! I laughed so much when I first heard it while Arin and Danny were playing Pokémon FireRed. It hasn't been "three years from now" from the episode's publish date on 29th of March 2014(I could swear it was earlier) but there's still time! Must keep an eye out! :)

tithinian also made this into a cartoon and that's a brilliant one too with its own special ending.

In Cody's one here, I love the way Arin's wearing pyjamas from when they used to do episodes in the Grump Room. I also love they way the older versions of him and Danny are all crotchety and gangly. :)

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 35


Back with Suzy and Arin and more sneaking around. They see a helicopter stored and talk a little bit about them.

They find Emmerich and take him outside, using a bipedal mech walker. They go back to the escape helicopter but are confronted by Skull Face, standing on the hand of a huge mech.

Arin mentions how he once made Yoji Shinkawa(the designer of the mechs) bored and Suzy then cliffhangs us by telling us that we'll find out how their meeting went on the next episode! She's getting real good at this!

Thursday 26 November 2015

Mario Party 10 Part 4


Back with Arin and Danny and the party continues! Arin wins the Mushroom Park board and they go on to the water stage for another round.

They learn that Bowser breaks out if you roll all the numbers during the game, so they keep an eye on the Game Pad for it.

They play some fun minigames, one of which is about avoiding bees and another is avoiding spiked balls. They reckon Spike can communicate with them.

Lucky Arin gets two goes at choosing dragon treasure chests. Will he win again? Will Danny get a chance? We'll find out soon!

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Part 4


Back with Barry and Ross doing some more Haloing. They do some teabagging. Is Halo where teabagging came from?

They wonder if they ever played a co-op first person shooter on the show before. Now that I think of it, I'm not sure if they did. They played first person shooters alright and they may have played teams but... I dunno...

After shooting around in the wilderness they beam up(or rapture up) on a ship (or heaven(?)) and do some more shooting.

Dead Rising Part 19


Back with Arin and Danny as they keep being interrupted by Otis. It's not just Otis that tries to interrupt, but someone keeps ringing Arin while he's playing too. Isn't that always the way?

Danny has an interesting notion, like what if the shopping mall was on a ship on stormy seas and was the reason why the zombies are drooping and swaying they way they do. Kinda funny idea!

They go into a hardware store and meet Cliff, a guy who seems to be a Vietnam War veteran from the way he speaks. They engage in a boss fight with him.

He's pretty slippery, standing on top of the shelves firing stuff down at Frank. Besides that, he jumps down holes to evade which makes it tough to go after him.

Arin keeps throwing chainsaws at him but hilariously it doesn't work. The whole episode is them trying to figure out how to beat him. Not listening to Danny, Arin continues to throw chainsaws!

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 34


Back with Arin and Suzy! They talk about Mission Hill, an interesting cartoon I never heard of before. An even more interesting thing is where Arin talks about working in voice acting. Well worth listening in if you have an interest in the subject.

Egoraptor advises not to have an ego about voice acting :)

Arin gives loads of tips and advice about voice acting, so tune in to check it out!

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Mario Party 10 Part 3


After a few unlucky rolls, Arin wins big in a tip and tilting game against Danny and the girls. Later on a Bowser square in a reverse minigame, poor Danny gets a stupidly high score in the chain reaction bob-omb minigame.

Danny answers a phone call! It's someone named Brent who tends to do this while they record so Danny is all like "Hey you're on the show! Tell us all your secrets!". Funny stuff :)

Towards the end of the episode they beat the final boss but don't show the results! Does this mean they're going to play another board? Let's see!

Anyway, it looks like Arin's gonna be the winner as he had a lot more mini stars before they took on the boss.

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Part 3


Barry and Ross do more co-oping and more vrooming in the Warthog.

I don't know what they're shooting at but the children's birthday laugh sound occasionally plays so they must be doing something right.

They manage to finish the level at the end of the episode.

Dead Rising Part 18


We join Arin and Danny back in the supermarket. They head in through the back corridor to the pharmacy to get Brad's first aid kit.

It's a mad dash to get back to Brad as his time's running out. Frank just kind of shuffles though so it looks frustrating!

It's too late though, as he's gonna be... you know what? Just watch. That line Danny delivers is hilarious!

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 33


Arin and Suzy continue sneaking around the.... it looks like a power plant or something with all the power lines all over the place.

Suzy talks about the Metal Gear sketches they made, how they decided who would do what, trying to get Ross to do anything and having tears in her eyes from laughter. At one stage Danny was going to be Quiet! That would've been interesting! He already wore eye make up for the Burgie sketches so it would suit him!

They both then wonder about where S-rank in games come from and look it up.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Mario Party 10 Part 2


Arin and Danny continue with Mario Party 10 fun! They unlock Bower from his cage and he messes things up several times.

I have to say, when you play the game and see Bowser on the Game Pad rattling his cage it's kinda cool. Like Nintendo DS kind of cool. Judging by the way they react it doesn't look like they have the Game Pad switched on.

Along the way Danny mentions that winning in the game seems kind of arbitrary. Yes Danny, welcome to the world of Mario Party! Though honestly, that's like most games that use dice rolling.

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Part 2


We join Barry and Ross outside. Ross shares more memories of trees he had to draw when he was doing the Halo collaboration cartoon and tricking the multiplayer option to think it was playing on LAN when it was actually playing online. Sounds like an interesting idea.

They get into this vehicle called a Warthog and drive around, shooting enemies and whatnot.

Towards the end of the episode, Ross forgets what the show is called! This is something he'd usually get mad at other people for doing!

Dead Rising Part 17


Arin and Danny begin with a joke about waiting in the elevator with the zombies between floors while muzak plays. Having it full with zombies all the time gets pretty tiresome but you don't have to kill them every time fortunately.

They switch their Servbot hat for a fedora. The jokes come flying! They then head to the supermarket.

They meet Steven, a crazy worker with a shopping trolley and lots of teeth. He's quite hysterical. After beating him they rescue the girl he had in his trolley.

Things aren't gonna be quite the same without that Servbot helmet...

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 32


Back with Suzy and Arin on their way to get Huey and we see Skull Face for the first time.

They talk about Uber drivers and voice acting. Arin, don't start smoking! Seriously! Do what David Hayter does and drink milk instead! Ross would agree :)

Suzy, stop calling Keifer Sutherland a potato! Arin, you are on the ball with Phone Booth! I still wonder if that's the reason why he was chosen for the voice of Snake? That movie was like one awesome codec conversation :)

Monday 23 November 2015

Mario Party 10 Part 1 - Game Grumps VS


This is my first post about Mario Party 10 and Game Grumps VS! This is not to be confused with the Grumpcade playthrough from earlier this year.

Arin goes through what every Wii and Wii U owner goes through and that's having to find a Wii Remote that hasn't drained its own battery power even when not in use and when he can't find one, to go and get one that's synchronized to the other console. It's a job in itself and I know the hassle only too well!

Danny picks Yoshi and Arin picks Spike. They play on the Mushroom Park board handily enough and reach the mid level boss. It is really fascinating to watch them play. Danny with his optimism, wonder and bafflement and Arin with his subdued grumpiness about the way Mario Party is really different now.

A lot of fans don't like the "car" but I love it. It makes the games much shorter and people aren't completely exhausted from trying to focus on a game for hours.

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Part 1


Well here they are playing the remake of the first Halo. Ross grew up with this game and Barry's familiar with it too.

I don't know the game well at all. Barry and Ross are here playing co-op and watching cut scenes. They have fun shooting their captain and watching everyone else gang up on them.

Why is there a voice effect of kids cheering when you kill an enemy?

Ross remembers the "There's Something About Halo" cartoon he did with a few others on and talks about old memories.

Dead Rising Part 16


We join Arin and Danny as they take us through some more of the story. I don't really pay attention and neither do the guys much, they just make jokes on the characters' movements and I laugh at those jokes so everybody wins! :)

This is all about defeating Carlito again so they manage to corner him into a shoe shop and attack him while Brad occasionally gets in the way.

Towards the end of the video they get a mission to gather medicine for Brad's gunshot wound.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 37


"Another one?!" Danny says in disbelief, but Arin is determined! Determined to finish Nick's "Bowser's Spooky Sausage Factory" level with its FREAK! at the end! That was a pretty funny outburst by him last time!

Arin has his day and his Miiverse post so it's on to the next level! While he's punching in the code, Danny keeps us company with some quality cosy Danny time. (Seriously Grumps ASMR when?)

The next level is "Bowser Jr.'s Aerial Assault" by Taylor.

Danny begins. He has a nice time on this level because it's not unpleasant. They note it's weird how there's an airship level in the Super Mario World mode and the music is this strange midi thing. I agree, it is very strange. SNES music didn't sound like typical midi music. The Super Mario World cartoon certainly wouldn't have had music that sounded like this.

On finishing the stage they make a comment that goes with the other user's comment like a cute little word palindrome!

Next level is ""P" Is For "Provide"" by John. While Arin punches in the code, Danny talks to us again in his really real voice. :)

This one is a ghost level in Mario 3, which didn't originally have ghost levels. The music here is even more strange and doesn't sound at all like Mario 3 music. Towards the end of the episode Arin gets muddled between a door and a pipe. No worries, I'm sure it'll hit him in the next episode.

Dr Mario Part 4


It's time for Barry vs. Brian!

I don't know how it happened but they got the Fever music playing and both of them prefer Chill. How did that happen?

Anyway, there is a ton of smack talk continuing to go down, though a lot more subdued than when Arin was playing. He's still here to jump in with a line now and again though.

When they finish it's gentlemanly handshakes all around. Is this the last of Dr. Mario? Maybe someday they'll try the N64 version of the game, which has 4-player. Imagine all the smack talk flying between 4 people!

Dead Rising Part 15


Arin and Danny chat with a hysterical woman named Leah behind a counter while zombies crowd around. Their opening joke to her is pretty funny :)

They rescue this NPC by giving her a piggy back ride. Seems like one of the best rescue methods yet. Better than screaming at them to hurry up anyway.

Following on from the joke, they laugh at how the restaurant they mentioned in a previous episode tweeted gift certificates at them! Pretty neat! Afterwards they make jokes about selling out!

Along the way, they "lose the scoop" so they decide to reload to before they met Leah and take care of that instead.

Towards the end they talk about what Simon Pegg wrote about zombies and also how it can be a metaphor for some kind of really difficult undertaking. It's an interesting discussion.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 36


Danny vows this is the episode where they beat Nick's "Bowser's Spooky Sausage Factory" level. He once again declares his love for 1995-1996 Adam Sandler with a Happy Gilmore reference. Yeah we all liked that era. Dem 90s man... *sniffle*

Danny finds it tough with those cheap cheep-cheeps and Arin has an outburst at the leaping Bowser, calling him a freak. This raises a belly laugh and has to be heard!

Due to this sweet GG Animated potential and coming up with various insults that rhyme with "Nick" they don't get to fulfill the vow this time but there's always the next episode!

Dr. Mario Part 3


Now it's time for Arin vs Brian! Barry commentates!

Sass and goop everywhere! Arin seems to constantly dump goop on Brian's side and lets him know it too.

Seriously though, Arin's a pro at getting combos. Maybe they should have a go at Mean Bean Machine?

Dead Rising Part 14


Arin starts by telling Danny a joke. I saw the punchline coming a mile away but it still made me laugh!

In this episode they finally get to deal with the inmate hooligans! After doing so they take their car and gun and drive around for zombie bonuses. There's cheering, there's clapping... they're having fun! They even get to drive the motorcycle at one point.

Afterwards they head back into the mall and there seems to be even more zombies now. Time for more missions.

Arin does a very good Beavis impression!

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 31


The title says "Where's Waldo" but we know him here as Wally. Don't make me get Ross out here!

Arin and Suzy continue to look for Quiet but it's hard to find her in this big wide open area. Soon enough she's jumping around like a flea again.

There's this one strange part where she's in the water and there's a sparkly rainbow around her. What's that all about?

Anyway, Arin whittles down her HP until... well, have a look for yourself!

Friday 20 November 2015

Star Wars Battlefront with Friends and Fans!! - JonTron


A nice promo for the new Star Wars game that fans will get a kick out of but... I'm just watching it for JonTron really!

I do get to see what the inside of a Walmart is like though when Jon does a vloggy thing with meeting fans.

The game itself I'm sure fans would absolutely love. Looks like a third-person shooter in the style of Gears of War or Devil's Third or something. There's split screen multi-player and everything.

With the new movie and everything, it looks like this Christmas will just be a big Star Wars explosion of merchandise and this is just the beginning!

Super Mario Maker Part 35


The episode starts with an edit from Kevin! Yay! Been seeing so few of these lately! :)

Arin and Danny are still playing Nick's "Bowser's Spooky Sausage Factory" level. They ponder the idea of Mario being a love metaphor.

While Danny plays, they talk about copyrighted catchphrases. It's pretty interesting. I can't imagine the phrase "You're Fired" being copyrighted by anyone except Mr Spacely from The Jetsons.

Arin gets close to the end a few times but doesn't make it yet. I'm gonna answer Arin about the nipple question: Yes I have worn bad shirts that chafe. It's not fun :(

Dr. Mario Part 2


Arin finally gets a chance to put his controller where his mouth is! Hopefully he won't get it wet or anything.

Anyway back with him, Brian and Barry. He finally gets to put on the Fever music too like any sensible person!

Things get pretty non-sensible very quickly though as soon as Arin starts and restarts. Lots of raging and sass follow!

They then decide to have a go at the 2-player game. Arin vs Barry! Brian decides to commentate on the whole thing out of boredom. It must be a challenge to do commentary over Dr. Mario which is itself an addictive but ultimately sedate experience. They must be adding extra sass to make it more exciting!

Ringo Starr's MSPaint Art - by LemonyFresh


Today's cartoon was inspired by the time Arin told Danny about Ringo Starr's MSPaint Art during their playthrough of Super Mario Sunshine. In the cartoon they're walking through a lovely fanart gallery and they meet a Danny voiced Ringo who talks about his exhibit. Jesus comes in too at one stage. Very nice way to bring this dialogue to life and it's a good length too!

Dead Rising Part 13


Arin and Danny complete the Greg mission by bringing him back to the security room. That room's tucked away nice and cosy. Pity they have to go through the elevator every time though, which is constantly packed with zombies every time you want to use it.

Along they way they have a nice beatboxing session which is a nice break from all the zombie bashing in the dark.

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 30


We join Arin and Suzy as they take on the duel with Quiet the sniper. Even though they have a rocket launcher, she's able to leap around like a flea. It's a bit of a challenge and they even have to deal with a sandstorm.

All the while they're being told that she's getting serious. They suddenly have a brainwave though: What would happen if you ordered supplies to her location? Tune in to find out! It's worth seeing! :)

They also talk about the time they met Stefanie Joosten. Pretty interesting stuff.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 34


It turns out I was already following Arin's Miiverse posts. Oh well! Back to him and Danny as they begin another fan-made level called "THE ULTIMATE GAUNTLET! (V 2.0)" by Crunch.

Danny starts. Yikes this level's a hard one. You have to keep running at a fast pace or suffer the pain of death. After a few tries Danny makes a Kung Pow reference (my man!) and hands it to Arin.

Arin dies a few times but near the end displays such skill that amazes and then the star man appears which excites us all the way to the end. Very good show in this level that made me want to clap! Danny sends Crunch a nice message :)

Next up is "Bowser's Spooky Sausage Factory" by Nick, which sounds kind of unsettling!

Unsettling it is as Danny finds it a bit Ross-like but after a while it seems a bit like Donkey Kong Country. I suppose it is with the multiple bullets coming and whatnot.

Arin gets a go too but they don't finish it... yet!

Dr. Mario Part 1


Brian returns with Arin and Barry for the first episode of playing Dr. Mario! They begin the episode by humming the title tune and again wowing themselves about their age difference and how old the game is.

The heated argument they have during the options screen is hilarious! But seriously though, I have to step in and say the Fever music is classic. What's the deal, Brian?!

Lots of grumpiness and sass from Arin as Brian plays! Even more from him and Brian too as Barry takes his turn with a higher level. There is so much trash talk and sarcasm it makes this a must watch! A few "whoops!"es from Barry as he plays.

Arin then goes ahead and cliffhangs the whole deal by announcing his Level 20 turn. Whoa!

Dead Rising Part 12


Back to Arin and Danny with their clownfrontation! They go into a sports shop for supplies, getting a bowling ball and a golf club. The golf club is kind of cool because it allows you to shoot golf balls at a target. Works pretty well against the clown. He has a pretty gory defeat!

They meet another NPC afterwards named Greg. Yup, another escort mission... but Greg isn't as stupid so it's a better time. Not as much yelling for Arin to do!

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 29


We join Arin and Suzy as they do an explodey bazooka mission and talk about their trip to Vegas where Suzy got a bad cold.

They have a cosy little fan chat about Otacon and Solid Snake and if they had an apartment or something while raising Sunny. It is a cute thing to think about. It's great to chat about Solid Snake and Otacon in any case because we don't hear anything about them anymore. A new story with them would be an interquel if anything I suppose but still, they're the essence of Metal Gear Solid!

So next they have a confrontation with a famous sniper! This is the first encounter with Quiet in this playthrough. For now it's all about ducking between rocks and stones as they try to get closer.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 33


The thumbnail of the episode has an electronic fan in place of Mario's head, since it's fan made level time. Funny joke. :)

It's the same level from the last episode. Danny plays first while they reflect on the old Battle Kid playthrough Arin did with his crazy ranting. Despite all this he says he'd love to go back to it! These Grumps are crazy! Danny manages to get to the boss but dies and now it's Arin's turn.

It takes a few tries but Arin beats it. He also puts a comment on it. I can't find it on Miiverse! He must have another profile I'm not following. Must find it!

Elevator Action


Following on from Burger Time, Brian is back to play another NES adaptation of the arcade game Elevator Action! He grew up with this game but I didn't hear a thing about it until about 10 years ago when I got Taito Legends for PS2. He's joined here by Arin and Barry.

They indulge in all the little details that made this game noteworthy, the most startling of which is the elevators squashing the bad guys. Loads of jokes are being made here too so check it out!

There isn't a HD remake of this game but there is a sequel. Maybe they can play it someday.

Dead Rising Part 11


In this episode Arin and Danny meet a chainsaw juggling clown named Adam. Pretty weird thing to see right? Anyway they have to flee to get some more health replenishing items so they try and raid the food court. Not a whole lot here but plenty of fun to be had with what's on offer with the zombies trying to climb over the counters and everything.

They need orange juice though. Is that the best health pickup in the game?

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Part 28


Back with Suzy and Arin and their glorious return to this series! Straight away they begin by talking about unlocking a date with Kaz in the previous chapter. They also talk about visits to the doctor and the pronunciation of "gyro", a type of sandwich that's popular in the U.S.

I never even heard of a gyro until I saw the Angry Video Game Nerd episode with R.O.B. the robot. At a glance it looks like a wrap or a taco.

Super Mario Maker Part 32


Arin and Danny continue the fan levels!

First is Jalapeno Stronghold by Art Man. It's challenging and long but not to a Ross degree. The one devilish thing about the stage is this tantalising door that's just there in awkward reach. It's pretty funny seeing them try to reach it again and again!

They have a conversation about butts and boobs. Arin says he preferred boobs when he was younger and now he prefers butts. Danny likes both. For me it's always been boobs :)

This episode also has a request for Kevin. It's been forever since they asked him to do any funny edits!

Zelda Tri Force Heroes Part 7


The episode begins with Ross and Barry almost forgetting to throw Brian back and forth. To make up for it, they have nice long discussion about physics. This is the highlight of the episode. It's pretty funny :)

Water Temple at the Riverside is the stage they eventually pick. They get along pretty well but lose a few lives when they come up against the boss, Arrghus.

Lots of crazy carry on and mix ups with totem formations near the end but they eventually pull it off!

Dead Rising Part 10


Today, Arin and Danny continue having to deal with Sophie, who being an NPC keeps getting in trouble unless you drag her along by the hand.

She gets in the way when Arin is killing zombies so he has to reload the save again.

Wow the escort mission is aggravating! If it wasn't for the comedic value of the game I don't know if anyone would like it!

The rest of the episode is spent with Arin yelling at Sophie to either come on or get out of the way. It looks like all the NPCs are like this!

Million Face Man


Today Suzy plays Million Face Man, a 2D platformer starring a super hero who has faces radiating off himself. It seems to give him flying abilities and unlimited ammunition against enemies.

One thing that jumps out at me is the Konami pause sound effect from the NES/SNES era when you get a bonus.

All Suzy has is questions. Why so many faces flowing off of him all the time? What's his backstory? We may never know...

Monday 16 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 31


Arin and Danny take a break from the cruel Ross levels and play some levels made by us, the Lovelies!

At one point Danny talks about the "Top That" scene from Teen Witch and says it's something special. I went and checked it out and he is not wrong! It's something I've never seen before but it's something that I'm immediately familiar with, growing up at that time.

Arin quite enjoys Overgrown House by Schuyler. Next level is for Danny to play called Bumper Grumps by GoopyToots. The first one is just a nice gentle paced level where you figure out stuff but the second one is completely different. Flying clown car craziness with dizzy effects and disco music playing and bad guys flying everywhere.

They talk about celebrities they met who wanted to hang out with them and some of those celebrities they're fans of so they get all excited about hanging out with them too. I never heard of these celebrities except for Steve-O but Arin and Danny are huge fans.

Zelda Tri Force Heroes Part 6


"Give us your lunch rupees!" Ross says to Brian as he tosses him to Barry and back again.

Today they go to the Cove of Transition level in the Riverside area.

Here the main item is the Gripshot and we see how it works and how they can use each other as posts to grip on to. Barry uses the Zora costume so he can swim faster and Ross uses the dress so he can find more hearts. Low HP is now a thing of the past thanks to this!

Dead Rising Part 9


Arin and Danny fare badly against the inmates shooting at them so they flee back into the mall. Rap music was playing so they bust some rhymes of their own. They're hilarious here and well worth listening to (and animating)!

They rescue a civilian named Sophie and for the rest of the episode they roar at her to follow them in an aggravating and hilarious escort mission! Danny's right, saving people looks like the most difficult thing to do in the game.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 30


Back with Arin and Danny for more painful Rossness!

They talk about how when they don't finish a story on a previous episode that someone brings it up and they have no idea what they were saying themselves. What a strange thing, not remembering and then being surprised by what you said years ago from a recording. They make more failing memory jokes then about when Danny used to be JonTron! It's pretty funny!

There was a craze years ago where friends of mine used to repeat the line "Damn! These beats are so fresh! Snap!" over and over so I used to just say the first part of the sentence "Damn! These beats..." to them and they couldn't help but carry it on. They eventually got annoyed at me when it wore off! Funny though :) Of course, it's from the G.I. Joe parodies that were made years ago.

Arin gets really far at one point but then struggles to reach it again. Many cries of anguish and Ross cursings follow.

Zelda Tri Force Heroes Part 5


Today Brian, Ross and Barry pick the Abyss of Agony in the Riverside area. Lots of strong currents here. Barry gets the water rod and his suit gives him an extra powerful water column.

Brian complains about not having enough "rod" jokes so they make up for it :) they even end up calling Ross "Rod"!

At one point they have to get the wheel to spin in a certain direction with a water column but they always end up putting it at the wrong side or on both sides so it stops.... it all gets pretty awkward and funny :)

In this game you can see someone else's viewpoint by tapping on their icon. When you do it says "(character) is curious about (character)" and many jokes are made about this too. Brian boredly does this when he gets a lot further ahead than Barry and Ross at one point. "Just a bunch of guys curious about each other!" as Barry says.

The boss in this area is pretty tough because you have to stay out of the water when she electrifies it. They manage it beautifully.

They end the episode with the usual Brian tossing. :)

Dead Rising Part 8


We join Arin and Danny as they get a funny LEGO head servbot helmet for Frank.  It looks pretty funny during cutscenes.

While telling a story about fan requests for saying "Cranberries!" they part ways with the photographer jerk they were hanging around with.

It turns nighttime and they head outside, where 3 inmates are driving a car around, hitting people and causing mayhem. It looks like a serious situation but there's Frank with his too small clothes and giant smiling servbot head!

Saturday 14 November 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 29


My first post about the Wii U and Super Mario Maker! Arin and Danny are back with more painful level design from Ross, this time it's "Companion Spring 2: Bounce Back".

I don't like these kind of levels and wouldn't bother playing them myself so I'll just watch Arin play it here and indulge in him and Danny as they complain about Ross' sadistic level design.

They appreciate the laughs these episodes get though! Danny's glad the way the Yoda jokes episode was so well received for example, but went through so much pain to play it while Arin was telling the "FUNNYYYY JOKES! MMMM!"

I'm not sure but it seems getting the power up along the way may not be that good an idea, considering the springs, lava and low ceilings beyond that point. Though, the mid-air twirl would get them through it anyway. Let's see how they manage in the next episode!

Zelda Tri Force Heroes Part 4


Barry, Ross and Brian go into the Secret Fortress, where a new item is used: The Water Rod. With this they can make water pillars they can use to get to higher ledges. The music in this area sounds a bit like Dragon Quest music.

Brian and Barry find it weird the way Ross pronounces the letter 'H'. He says "haytch" instead of "aytch". I sympathise with you Ross. We pronounce it that way here too.

It now seems to be a tradition for Ross and Barry to end the episode by throwing Brian between them! It hasn't stopped being amusing yet! :)

Dead Rising Part 7


Dead Rising is back! Arin and Danny had so much fun with it during Ghoul Grumps that they brought it back. They also had to start from the beginning but it took them no time to get back.

You can see why they came back to it. It is very funny and great inspiration for jokes. Even if it's just a severed hand, they can make a dozen funny jokes about it. When a zombie trips over a flower it's instant laughter out of them. Watch and share the fun :)

Unfortunately they have to pick up Kent the jerk again but at least they can mess around throwing teddy bears at him and put on weird clothes that are too small!

Can Your Pet?


Someone told Suzy to play "Can Your Pet?" so here she is playing it. It's a virtual pet sim but there's a twist! Not going to tell you what it is but it just makes Suzy go "WHYYYYYYYY?"

A song plays during the credits. I never heard it before but it's unmistakably our Richie Kavanagh. He had a few songs in the charts here during the 90s and he never truly went away. He's still going strong :)

NO Suzy, don't put this in front of bird fan Commander Holly!

Friday 13 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 82


We join Arin and Danny in a nice sing song! Arin singing grumpily and Danny singing not so grumpily with their own funny lyrics! Have a listen!

They talk about dreams for a while, what they literally are and the ways that people interpret them. Interesting discussion.

After dying on the boss and getting two game overs, Arin seeks out an easier star mission. He wants to get 100 before going on to take on Bowser!

Towards the end of the episode though, Arin begins to lose hope and is tempted to take on Bowser right then and there. Danny encourages him to hang on though as he only has two more to go. Hang in there buddy!

Zelda Tri Force Heroes Part 3


Brian's a physicist so Ross and Barry challenge him to a bit of MATH! The heated discussions are quite funny here :)

In this video they do the Forest Temple and venture through the dungeon, throwing bombs into spiky spinny wheels with a weak point in the centre. They talk about how much older Brian is than they are. Looking it up it says he's 40! Good age and an elder to me. Someone to look up to for inspiration and see that doors of opportunities are still open for many things!

The boss at the end of the area is pretty cool. Coaxing the giant eyeball out of the giant spiky wheel and ganging up on it must be a satisfying thing to do. Kind of like Monster Hunter. Again it's great seeing them work things out together to get things done.

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 48


Danny and Arin begin the Dark Palace dungeon in this episode.

It's pretty dark. There are some neat light markers on the walls and tricky platforms that are affected by the light and dark. Danny gradually figures these out as he collects some keys.

Arin says it's like a dungeon in Ocarina of Time. Danny says "We should play it!" and Arin goes pretty quiet! I think it would be great for them to play it. Arin was always reluctant to play the game though, even when Game Grumps started 3 years ago. I would love it and would keep them company by watching and blogging about it as usual :)



This Game Grumps Animated is inspired by the Froggy fishing in the Sonic Adventure DX playthrough. Cartoon Arin makes some funny faces here and the dubbing of that "FISHING POLE" line is weirdly out of place and funny. Good chance for Froggy to make some cheeky faces and antagonising moments such as when he purposely cut the fishing line with his teeth! Not a bad short! :)

Anxiety Attacks


Yikes! What an idea for a game. It doesn't sound nice and Suzy's video description itself carries a warning.

She takes us through the experience of the game. She doesn't say much during the game except during the attacks that the main character has. It's in first person and they're walking through a forest with loads of sunset bloom around. There's a breathing meter and you have to concentrate on it all the time and then during the attacks these negative words come flying at you.

Near the end Suzy talks about it and how she experiences anxiety herself so if you do, you're not alone.

She finds it quite accurate in places such as when you think the anxiety is gone but then it comes back full force.

What a game. Check out the video if you like. Not a happy go lucky one though!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 81


Arin and Danny do slightly easier missions this time, one with five silver stars but then another daredevil challenge in the Deep Dark Galaxy against a Magikoopa boss.

They do some Rick and Morty impressions when the music reminds them of the theme song. I've never seen that show. Maybe I should sometime.

They go on to talk about earlier works and when they were less good at something and that you should keep doing a thing every day because you'll get better at it. Hmmm... this is something I hope for myself as I make these posts every day.

They also talk about the danger of not feeling the need to improve, which is something I need to be aware of as well. Hmm... some important things to think about here.

Arin gets a game over while Danny looks up Awesome Rising, one of Arin's older cartoons. He invites us to watch along with him and I do so! Arin cringes but Danny enjoys it. I like it too :) having just seen their Dead Rising playthrough during Halloween.

Zelda Tri Force Heroes Part 2


We join our three heroes as they throw Brian back and forth between them. They head in to the Moblin Base.

Ross does a bit of trolling when they have to get a key across the river. It's thrown to him but he throws it back!

Later on during a mini-boss they frantically try to figure out the totem, who's the best to be on top and who should pick up whom... Barry quips that it sounds like fan fiction!

They eventually beat the area and go back to the lobby. The video ends as it begun, with Barry and Ross throwing Brian back and forth between them!

Seems like it might be a tough game to play in 1 player mode. Tougher than the Four Sword games even.

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 47


We join Danny and Arin as they enter Lorule in the area where the Dark Palace is. It's the stealthy part where I got stuck for a while! Let's see how Danny finds it...

...aaand he fares much better than I did! I eventually got there but Danny gets there much faster. Arin and him wonder what the enemies could be guarding so carefully and joke about it being a Reese's peanut butter cup.

Danny mentions how the inside of the Dark Palace looks like a Birthday Massacre album cover with the purples. After doing a quick search I have to say that it totally does!

The video ends with Danny trying to coax Arin into telling him how to do a puzzle.

At one point during the episode Arin makes a reference to the first video that Danny's band Ninja Sex Party put out and that he still loves that song. It's really good alright! I'll have to blog about NSP's new stuff from now on too :)

Metal Gear Sketches


First blog post about GrumpOut!

This is a compilation of all the live action sketches that accompanied the MGS5 playthrough videos where the guys dress up as various characters from the game, including some clips I don't recognise.

These were all great fun to watch then and now in this compilation. I think my favourite one is still the one with the extra hand. Check 'em all out, they're gas!

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Cute Demon Crashers! Part 4


We join Suzy as she reads out Morty and Akki's steamy love making scene.

What can I say about it? Well, it's romantic and the characters involved communicate well to see how the other is feeling so that they both have an enjoyable time. Tune in to see how it pans out!

Titanic: The Legend Goes On - JonTron


First time blogging about Jon's movie reviews. First of all I gotta say his living room looks amazing. I dunno if it's his penchant for movie magic lately but dang it looks good.

Where's Jacques by the way? Haven't seen him in a while.

But yeah who wouldn't be weirded out by the supporting animal cast and that rapping dog? If you think about it, with all the weird additives here, what makes that any weirder than what was added to the James Cameron Titanic? There's some food for thought.

JonTron's Starcade: Episode 7 - Star Wars Plug and Play


I'm gonna blog about JonTron too from this video onwards! He's a part of the Game Grumps legacy and I love him to bits.

This StarCade series he's been doing has really broadened my horizons. I'm not that big into Star Wars so I don't know an awful lot about the games apart from the famous Nintendo and Atari ones. Great production values too. Props and effects he's been using have been impressing fans I'd say.

The Plug and Play ones from this episode are especially fascinating because a gamer would normally stick to a console for games, whereas the likes of these would be in a different section of the toy store.

They vary in quality and Jon saves the best one for the end. It actually looks pretty impressive.

Super Mario Galaxy Part 80


The video begins with Arin and Danny laughing about childishly mocking the vibe sound a phone makes. Danny says he wouldn't mock someone's voice but he will absolutely mock an inanimate object!

They're still doing the long daredevil challenge in the Melty Molten Galaxy. It takes a while and it gets nail bitingly tense near the end but they pull it off!

They decide to go back in the level and find the '?' star. They find the luma but don't have enough star bits.

During this stage they talk about the "Where's the Beef?" lady and other old American commercial things that go clean over my head. Who is Spuds McKenzie?

Zelda Tri Force Heroes Part 1


WOW! This is a nice surprise! Brand new game Zelda Tri Force Heroes for Grumpcade and we have Brian back with us too! Regular Grumps Ross and Barry play the game with him. Will Brian become a regular Grump? It would be really neat.

The episode begins with all three of them doing Link's "Hello!" greeting. Barry's the green Link and this is his perspective that's being recorded.

Seems there are quite a few options to choose from. They start in the Deku Forest stage.

The dynamic between them is pretty fun and energetic. I imagine a lot of bossiness would happen when a player is confused about what to do.

Buzz Blob Cave is the next level they pick.

They talk about Quantum Leap for a bit. They also yell at each other to get on this platform or do this thing here or that thing there! Especially during boss battles. So yep... the game breeds bossiness :)

It's fun when they argue over who gets "top triangle" when they step on the Trifoce symbols!

At the end, Barry and Ross use Link's goodbye wave icon and Brian uses the hello one. This'll be a fun series!

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 46


Back with Danny and Arin from where they left us off after the boss and on to rescue Impa from the painting.

Arin gives her a funny voice and imagines her being put out at being rescued later than most of the others. Also jokes about how Loafus is a hero but not as big a hero as Ocarina of Time Link was.

Outside and the weather vane thingy is freaking out as usual. They run around a bit and make fun teasing enemies by merging into the wall and finding a shop that sells bees and a shield.

They wonder again about the pegasus boots. When I played the game, I went clean through to the ending without finding the pegasus boots! I wonder when they'll find them?

They then visit Irene's gram and buy a blue potion from her. Arin gives her a voice. At least now we know that "gram" isn't a jokey drug reference here!

Towards the end of the video they uncover another portal to Lorule or as they call it, wall vagina.

Cute Demon Crashers! Part 3


In this episode Morty is given a sundae made by the girl demon and savoury pancakes from the red haired demon. They're being pretty good to her!

The red haired demon is named Akki and Morty goes hanging out with him in the living room. Together they order pizza and they have fun while eating.

The time comes to choose one of the demons for sex! Akki is picked since he's the favourite. While Morty and him go into the bedroom, the other demons think about baking a cake. What a fantasy world, right?!

In the bedroom things start out with decisions for Morty to make as to which way she wants things to go. Before the episode ends things are sweet, romantic and a little bit of awkwardness is there too.

Dare we brave the next episode?

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 79


We join Arin and Danny as they face a lava version of the piranha plant boss. Arin predicts Tom Hardy will be in the Die Hard prequel. Let's see in time! (I've never seen Die Hard)

They go on to a daredevil challenge and it's really long. Danny talks about how the 2 years and 4 months ago since he started seemed like forever ago and how they feel much older now.

I'm not sure myself. It does feel like a very long time ago but... man I dunno. I just hope the good times for what they are keep on rollin'.

After a while they talk like Snagglepuss and before they discuss the cartoon character, Arin dies a number of times on this challenge. Maybe they'll continue next episode. Love cartoon talk!

Undertale Part 23


We join Barry and Ross as they sing a song about parallax scrolling. They're out to get the best ending. Is THIS episode the finale? Let's find out!

They face Asgore again but something completely different happens. Their friends show up! and they all have a nice chat with some fun carry on that's a must watch. It's all nice until Flowie shows up...

At least I get to hear Barry and Ross voice the characters again :)

Flowie absorbs everybody's soul and you face him in another battle. Final battle? Let's keep watching.

SO... yeah. After all this is a lot of talking annnnd... It's really something that should be watched!

Remember how part of the ending to EarthBound and Dragon Quest were about walking around the world talking to people? Well it's kind of like that.

But there's also so much more. We see this — and yes it is the ending — together with Barry and Ross and it's an even better experience when it's shared. Finishing a Dragon Quest or EarthBound/Mother game can be lonely, even though there is the whole in-game world to talk to and this game would be too but now we have Let's Players and the experience is just that little bit less lonely. I'm thankful for them and hope our lives will become richer with experiences like this.

Ross is experiencing this twice with his wife Holly's playthrough as well! What a neat thing! I wonder if he's doing all the same voices in their playthrough too?

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 45


Danny and Arin continue the Turtle Rock lava dungeon. At one point Danny seems to make a Pokémon reference and Arin is impressed but it turns out Danny was making a failed attempt at a Zelda reference.

Many puzzles later and they get through to the boss, which is a turtle beast that spews lava. When they beat it they do a little clap session like it's Stomp or their Smash Bros clap video or something.

Cute Demon Crashers! Part 2


In this episode, one of Morty's new bishie demon friends makes her breakfast! Another one makes her tea. The last one seems to be busy playing Mario Kart and she joins him. This one is Suzy's favourite!

Out in the garden, Morty and the girl demon have a conversation about sex. Morty shares her insecurities about it and the girl demon provides a good listening ear that a friend would.

This game is beginning to sound like a really nice thing. As time goes on it may turn into a nice cosy time with all the characters hanging out and Suzy reading their dialogue.

She also tells us that this game is free. Is it a Ren'Py game? Ren'Py's a wonderful thing.

Monday 9 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 78


Arin and Danny come in hot to the Melty Molten Galaxy to take on the Fiery Dino Piranha mission.

They discuss a few things about Mario. Arin's never actually seen him plumb which is a good opportunity for me to encourage them to play Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga on their Game Boy Player for GameCube where they actually do some plumbing!

Arin hits a few snags here and there but he pulls through alright.

Undertale Part 22


Following up on the cliffhanger with Barry and Ross, the opened door leads to an elevator that crashes into a gloomy basement, where there's a lot of notes and clues to read. There's also really cool BGM.

They come across a really bizarre enemy in one of the sinks in the corner. After a little bit of freaking out they manage to get past it.

Ross is using Alphys' voice to read out the notes. Is it really her? Doesn't really match anything we've come across with her before.

There's a lot of spooky creepy stuff that happens in the basement, especially with the bed. Have a look!

Things get really interesting when they go into the VHS room and see all these mysterious tapes, figuring out who is being featured on them.

There are several more freaky enounters with ghostly creatures too.

Ross theorises that Alphys created Flowie.

Have a listen to the fridge boss music! Like Barry says, it sounds almost exactly like EarthBound music.

Barry wonders what the area BGM sounds like. I agree that it doesn't sound like EarthBound but I can't quite place it either... maybe it sounds like an area in Final Fantasy 7? It's somewhat familiar to me in any case.

After a while they meet with Alphys and she explains all. So it really was her that made all those notes.

Some more notes pop up afterwards and proves Ross' theory above! He howls in excitement about being right!

Some more weird stuff happens like a phone call from someone whose voice we never heard before and they end up back at the hallway with the cool architecture. What's going on? Stay tuned!

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 44


We join Arin and Danny as they figure out what to do with the freezy lava puzzles in this dungeon. Arin knows what to do but he's inferring to Danny as to what to do.

One of my favourite funny parts is when Danny hums the wrong celebratory fanfare when getting the big key.

Much of the episode is fumbling around puzzley see saw platforms and Wizrobes. Danny uncovers the Hylian Shield though which is nice :)

Sunday 8 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 77


The episode begins with a hilarious memory of a voice message Arin sent Dan years ago. Have a look!

Arin and Danny are back in the Deep Dark Galaxy once more, looking for those other remaining stars. While trying to find a hidden one, they spend the entire episode talking about the act of sticking a pinky finger up your own butthole.

They never found the star.

Undertale Part 21


Still not the finale!

The video begins with a humorous commercial featuring Barry and Arin for a mobile game called Best Fiends.

We join Barry and Ross at the title screen of the game. They head in to find themselves before the Asgore battle. What they want to do is try and find another ending so they head back. Along the way they get a phone call from Undyne to do an errand. They take it to Dr Alphys. and a date battle begins!

The date sequence is pretty amusing so have a look! It's fun to see Dr Alphys go on like the way she does and Undyne appears too.

There's a lot of dialogue from Alphys so Ross is feeling the wearing on his voice a bit! But he soldiers on!

Just when you think the dialogue couldn't get more amazing, Papyrus appears!

The scene ends shortly afterwards. Poor Ross has to voice two characters here!

Walking through the dump they get a call from Papyrus, telling them to go back to Alphys' lab again.

When they get there they find a note that tells them if they want to find the truth they must go through the newly opened door. This is where the episode ends, on this cliffhanger!

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 43


Arin and Danny head back to Ravio. Unfortunately they can only rent the Ice Rod since they haven't enough money to buy it. They give him a funny British accent this time.

On entering the dungeon, Danny is quickly put to the test and learns what the Ice Rod is all about. They give the little turtle drawing a voice too :)

They marvel over how the dungeon itself is shaped like a turtle.

Arin ponders over the idea of caramel flavoured chocolate and Danny gets something in his eye. Take care Dan!

Best of Game Grumps - October 2015


First post about the monthly highlights! I'm not sure if I should do these but I'll do the first one since there'll be golden moments I haven't blogged about.

The Super Mario Maker raging was unreal in October. I don't have any blog posts for it yet but they'd all be about how grumpy Arin and Danny were due to the levels Ross and Jirard made.

I like Temmie from Undertale! Glad Ross and Barry took the opportunity to visit Temmie Village. (is it optional?)

Let's face it, watching Super Mario Maker is painful. I am so glad Arin came up with the Joke Yoda!

It's lovely reliving the moment when they found out Deadly Creatures was going to be amazing :)

and Oh my gosh when poor Arin had those hiccups. How he suffered!

Saturday 7 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 76


We rejoin Arin and Danny as they finally make progress on the Bubble Blastoff mission! It's one of the harder and sloggier parts of Mario Galaxy, less about spectacle and more about putting things in your way to make you fall flat on your face. I commend your patience Arin!

After completing this one they head to Deep Dark Galaxy to do the Guppy and the Underground Lake mission. They give him the voice of Bruce from Finding Nemo, who tells them to swim through some rings. Danny makes a joke implying that one of the rings is his butthole and they both laugh, though Arin asks to clarify it afterwards, which makes it funnier.

Undertale Part 20


We join Barry and Ross back at the Steam UI after Flowey kicked them out of the game. They head back in and come face to face with it.

Ross gives Flowey a really good evil voice! Yikes! Very Metal Gear like voice too. The style of dialogue is reminiscent of what happens in the series as well.

They enter a boss battle with Flowey in a terrifying form, they scream and lose fairly quickly. Then Flowey closes the game again.

They go back in and Flowey kills them again and closes the game again.

They start the game again and they get killed again. This happens more than once but they get a different line of dialogue.

Eventually different stuff happens and a message appears in the bottom left corner "FILE SAVED", which is reminiscent of the message you see on emulators upon utilising save states. This game is for the ZSNES generation!

It seems like a really annoying boss fight since it closes out the game program every time you lose. Progress is saved though.

Boss is very eventful and eventually they weaken it back from it's hyper ridiculously unsettling non pixelated self and back to a weakened Flowey with two choices left, fight or mercy.

They pick mercy for a while and Flowey just runs away. Some credits happen and then Sans, Papyrus and Undyne come back via a phone call. Barry and Ross reprise their awesome roles :)

Flowey appears again *groan* and tells us it's not the end.

It's not the end of this series.

Yay :)

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 42


New recording session and Danny's feeling much better and refreshed! Yay!

Danny and Arin look for a way to get to Lorule in the Lake Hylia area. They make a reference to the battleship style game guy in Wind Waker but mix up the moments where he says SPLOOOSH and KABOOOM!

They make it to Lorule and Arin swishes the capture menu away from the screen, apologising before reading Hilda's dialogue. I forget what this lake here is called. Is it Lolia? Does it have a name?

Anyway while here they do the turtle sidequest which in turn helps them to reach the entrance of the dungeon.

Cute Demon Crashers! Part 1


First post about Cute Demon Crashers! We join Suzy for this visual novel dating game. She calls the main character Morty.

It's an adult game but there's a content filter she uses. She reads out the narration.

It starts with Morty in her room and then these demons appear, 1 female and 3 males. Poor Morty doesn't know what to make of it all and the demons all introduce themselves and the story flows from there.

This might be an interesting series. If it's a good visual novel then it'll have that cosiness that makes us look forward to the next episode like a good bedtime story.

Friday 6 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 75


The bunnies from the last episode have been caught! That's how this episode begins. Danny explains how they practised this for a while between episode recordings and how he startled himself when he forgot they weren't recording. Must've been pretty funny!

They take another shot at Bubble Blastoff and try to figure out what the heck to do. After a long while they decide to look up some footage and they were on the right track. It's pretty tricky and annoying though, especially if there are enemies in the way shooting  rocks and everything at you!

Throughout the episode they talk about what they do, how they enjoy it, how much work it can be and how different it is to play a game and commentate and be entertaining at the same time.

It must be really hard. Doing this blog commentary is at least something I can take my time with.

Burger Time - Grumpcade


BRIAN'S DEBUT! Also the first blog post about Grumpcade! It opens with a live action skit about Arin introducing Brian in an epic opening backstory and to the others in the Grump family. Have a look!

Another first is Danny on Grumpcade. Big introduction that goes on until Danny starts screaming for the game to start. Let's go!

Brian is great at this game and knows all the strategies. Just like his Ninja Sex Party band partner Danny, he says "board" instead of "level". If you follow these guys online this is a wonderful chance to see how they work together and how they influence each other's humour.

Brian reaches level 4 before getting a game over. Trying again he gets a game over in the same level. Uhh...

Brian says he's much better at the arcade version so maybe we'll see him tackle that in a future episode!

Seriously though, this episode was a must watch for me, seeing Brian in action and hearing him talk with the others. May there be many more Brian appearances!

My ASSSS by Mr. Chambers


First post about Game Grumps Animated! I'll blog about these too since this is one of the things that the Game Grumps were all about since the very beginning. It's wonderful how so many people do this and I can't think of anyone else on YouTube who has cartoons created later on set to their voice. In fact, the only other person I can think of right now that has their voice set to a cartoon later on is Mel Blanc, whose voice is set to the theatrical Looney Tunes 3D shorts that were made a few years ago. This is something very special indeed!

This cartoon is inspired by the various frustrating moments Arin had playing Super Mario 64, but at the same time trying to control his temper and be all zen about it. He's here as Mario, whereas Danny is cleverly represented as the Lakitu Bros with the camera. It's pretty funny seeing Arin's frustrations brought to life like this!

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 41


Back to Arin and Danny after their victory over the desert temple boss. They go and rescue Irene the witch, who rewards them with sass, so they decide to push her off into the abyss. The game doesn't let them do that though so they just daydream about it. "Oh I hugged her too hard with the palms of my hands forward!" Danny innocently explains.

After a cut scene with Hilda, they save their game at last. Poor weather vane thing's freaking out but I suppose it does that after every dungeon.

Arin mentions how he doesn't like Doritos or Mountain Dew but likes Cheetos. As for me I don't like anything that uses cheese flavouring but a spicy corn snack like Mighty Munch is nice though. As for Mountain Dew, it's just this yellow liquid of non specific taste and that is unsettling.

Danny wants to blow up a rock that requires the super bomb but he thinks it'll be too tough, so he gives Arin the controls for a while. They hum the world tune and add their own lyrics while trying to bring the bomb with them. They fail a few times but eventually they get through, though it gets close at the end! Their reward is another heart piece and loads of rupees!

Control back to Danny now. They make a joke about if you could merge into the wall of a women's locker room and the meter starts running out. Uh oh!

Anyway, back into the light world they find that they haven't talked to Mother Maiamai yet so they visit her. It's a pretty big side quest thing, finding all 100 of her babies and they haven't done any of it yet! I wonder how much of it they'll do?

Towel Required


Suzy plays this SCARIEST GAME EVER! solo. I haven't heard about it before now.

Ahhaha!. It's about these old men in a shower room who try to mob you and the only way to fend them off is to throw towels at them. Yikes!

Suzy runs out of towels and life time and time again. It does look pretty stressful! She also shares a story about what a health spa is like. Have a look at it if you wanna see Suzy freak out!

Thursday 5 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 74


Back with Arin and Danny. They keep on goin! Fair play to ye :)

They start the episode going to the Snow Cap Galaxy, confused as to what's on the other side of the tiny planet as there's no camera view of it. It's only a turtle shell.

During this episode they speak song lyrics but don't sing them and the songs sound pretty ridiculous when they're not being sung!

Good bit of frustration in this episode because of all the nonsense Arin has to go through to catch some bunnies. The title of the episode is his own idea!

Undertale Part 19


Ross starts with a secret he heard about in Hot Land. Barry follows up and they come to an Art Club that starts on October 10th... in real time?

They head back to the alley cat girls and to the glam burger guy. They said they're going to hang out after he finishes work.

After this Ross and Barry go back to after they beat Mettaton and come across some cool parallax scrolling architecture. Then they go into what looks like Toriel's house at the beginning of the game but everything's black and white save for some golden flowers. They wander around and some expository dialogue pops up every now and again. There's even some present boxes that look like they're straight out of EarthBound.

During this sequence it's mostly exposition and it's just us hanging out with Barry and Ross as they read it out.

Then they reach a save point in The Last Corridor.

They meet a shadowy figure who explains the standard RPG elements of the game and what the funny acronyms really mean. It turns out to be Sans. Barry resumes talking in the voice he gave him.

I love Barry's voice for Sans. Same with Ross and Papyrus, I can't imagine Sans sounding like anything else so please cast Barry in a potential animated series along with Ross!

This final hallway looks gorgeous with its cathedral windows and sunlight shining and the silhouettes.

Another save point outside the throne room. Instead of going in, Barry and Ross walk past it and find a room with a load of coffins in it. They hang out here a while and discuss theories as to what they're all about. Then they go into the throne room.

Inside there's a guy watering flowers that are growing around the throne. He looks like Toriel and talks with us for a while... what's going on? Well, it looks like he's the final guy since Barry and Ross keep talking about having an inventory full of food.

After some time they go into a battle with him and he destroys their mercy option with his trident. They keep talking to him for a while and refusing to fight and eventually they run out of food. What's the right thing to do? Do they talk or do they really have to fight with this, their pacifist run?

They lose the fight and so, decide to go attack him. For the first time we see how the battle system works on our side.

Gotta say too, nice I.T. Crowd reference lads! Very nice indeed! :)

Near the end of his HP some more dialogue happens. The mercy choice comes back, they pick it and then.... something terrible happens and the game closes by itself.

"I'm gonna get him!" Ross swears as the end slate of the episode comes up. Wow! Really looking forward to the next episode now!

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 40


The video begins with Arin imagining what it would be like if you used the sand rod on a guy wearing a kilt. There's a bomb puzzle where you raise it on a sand column and Danny handles it like a pro! He's getting the hang of this just in time for the dungeon to be over but he's getting the hang of it!

When they face the boss it reminds them of that really hard boss in Battle Kid where Arin nearly had an aneurysm from freaking out at it. They get very close to beating it but unfortunately they lose and the sand rod has to be taken back to Ravio because it was rented! Nooooo!

They go back to buy the sand rod and retrace their steps back to the boss. Danny's down to low hearts again and he dances around it warily, getting in whatever hits he can. It takes a ton of hits though. Maybe the sword needs to be upgraded?

In any case, this time the boss is defeated! We got a nice long episode out of it too :)

I Am Bread - KittyKatGaming


Suzy brings Barry on as a special guest today to play the updated version of this game. The first couple of rounds Barry plays as a bagel and then as a baguette.

Suzy has a go then as the baguette. She doesn't fare as well as Barry but then again the game looks pretty tricky.

Barry controls again in a different stage where you're playing as the slice of bread in a low gravity environment and for some hilarious and crazy reason the slice of bread has a jet pack now. Looks tricky avoiding all the floating utensils and trying to land into a floating toaster.

Barry eventually gives up and just goes off flying across the kitchen, doing whooshing noises. It's so daft seeing a slice of bread do this that you can't help but smile! :)

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 73


While Arin rolls on the ball through Melty Molten Galaxy, Danny and himself talk about time and how precious it is, how badly it can be spent, how well it can be spent, how much it can take out of you and how it's just... going all the time and how you have less of it as life goes on. My goodness, imagine having a conversation like this while you are manoeuvring yourself around planetary orbits and gravitational pulls with lava flying around everywhere!

But yeah this episode was a little serious and emotional in tone. I'm aged between Arin and Danny and I worry about time as well, how things can take so much of it and your energy that you can get this strong feeling like you're missing out on something, even if it's just to throw a Frisbee around. When very young children get this feeling and cry, their parents say it's from tiredness, put them to bed and they stop crying and sleep for hours. It's not too different from that and you may even forget about the thing you're missing out on for a while, but it's still missing.

At the end of the video doing a daredevil challenge and losing, Arin swears out loud and brings us back again! I'm glad fans everywhere are asking them to take it easy too and just wish them well in general. The Lovelies are the best fans ever!

Undertale Part 18


Not the finale! We join Barry and Ross after their profiteering venture, selling cloudy glasses.

Afterwards they meet Papyrus! Oh it's been a long time since we've seen him and Ross doing his voice. Now I can't imagine Papyrus sounding like anything else! He's a really fun character. If there's ever gonna be an Undertale animated series, please cast Ross as Papyrus!

It's at Undyne's place and they haven't decided on a voice for her but Barry just speaks normally for her. Then after Papyrus hilariously jumps through the window Barry gives her a fishy voice - but it's too hard to do, so he gives her a gruff Dragon Ball Z character voice occasionally.

The little discussion scene here with Undyne is really fun and Ross comes in sometimes with non scripted Papyrus quips. Then you get this crazy cookery lesson from her and she ends up destroying her house. If you try to go back in it says "Only fire lives here now" which is pretty funny.

Zelda A Link Between Worlds Part 39


Arin and Danny open with beatboxing and disc scratching. Still in the desert dungeon!

For a while there, I thought they were going to forget getting the big key. Danny wonders what it would be like if the "You solved the puzzle!" chime was sung by a drunk guy just once during the game and how weird it would be. It would be pretty weird but funny!

Lots of sand and puzzles. It never ends. They talk about how sand just gets everywhere when you go to the beach, the worst being in your car.

With my memories of the beach I think the worst is when you eat a bag of crisps and somehow sand gets in there. How?!

Costume Quest Part 12


Suzy and Cory talk about the vision problems they have. Chris says he needs glasses too. Suzy attributes her problems to staring at a computer screen all the time. Like when she turned 25 her vision started getting bad. Yikes... Scary stuff.

They're a lot more focused on the game in this episode.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 72


Back with Arin and Danny as they play the Bubble Blastoff mission. They wander around trying to find out what to do and in the meantime they talk about stadium names and how companies pay to have it named after them. They wonder what Arin Stadium would be like.

They exit the stage and try the Melty Molten Galaxy again. During this they talk about the American restaurant chain Denny's. Arin says it's pretty special to him because of memories. Later they talk about pancakes from Perkin's, another eatery chain.

Danny shares his experience of going to a Perkin's in rural Alabama. Sounds like a tense situation!

Another pancake story is shared about Arin eating a massive amount of them which is pretty amusing. Danny says he has pictures. I wonder if they're online?

As for me, I like the crepe style of pancake with lemon juice and sugar! Mm!

At the end of the video, Danny says he'll miss us and that he loves us. Thanks man! We love you too! I'll miss them both too until the next video.

Undertale Part 17


First post about Steam Train and Undertale! Also, it's a bumper 43 minutes and 29 seconds long! Let's get cracking!

Undertale's a recent cult favourite in gaming circles. It's quite reminiscent of Mother 3 and the battles are active like the Mario and Luigi RPGs. Lots of puzzles happen while walking around. Most importantly though, it's got a great sense of humour.

In this playthrough, Ross and Barry do the voices and it's good fun!

In this episode they navigate this cybernetic looking dungeon with some fumbly guidance from Dr. Alphys. Ross gives her a teen nerdy voice.

At one stage they get a game over which is a little surprising. Haven't seen many in this playthrough.

They reach a checkpoint and take an elevator back to the start of the area to prepare and maybe sell the glamburger they found in a rubbish bin. (EarthBound reference?? :) )

The girls in the alley are looking for a glamburger so Ross and Barry go to buy another one from the fast food place in the building. The guy there is pretty unusual as they find when they start talking to him. Barry gives him a gruff voice. The burgerpants story is kinda sad!

They're unable to sell the burgers to the girls for some reason. Instead Barry and Ross buy some cheap junk food from them. When asked about burgerpants they just found him weird because he ran away.

Back at the checkpoint they progress and meet Mettaton. Ross gives him his Markiplier voice, a very LOUD Markiplier voice due to his dialogue being in all caps. We get a Metal Gear style monologue and a long boss battle with more than one form. Ross and Barry aren't sure if they have to shoot the heart Galaga style or spare it for their pacifist run.

It's so long they have to take a break and turn on the air conditioning in the Grump Space. It's weird how they have to turn on the AC in that part of the world and we have to turn on the heating over here these days.

After the battle they wonder if the finale is coming soon. If it is, it'll be a short time I have blogging about this game...

Zelda Link Between Worlds Part 38


Today Arin and Danny continue to explore the desert dungeon with its sandy puzzles. Danny trips and messes up a few times but he pulls through handily. They also talk about Arin's famous scrambled eggs. Mmm :)

After exploring a while they come across the Titan's Mitt, which allows them to pick up the really big boulders now.

Humorous moment later on in the video where Danny says words one by one as he swishes the floor tiles flying at him. Classy moment next too where he uses the merge ability to escape some moving statues and discover a secret treasure chest!

Costume Quest Part 11


Back to Suzy, Cory and Chris for more cosy campfire time!

Cory shares his recurring dream.  It's a bit too crazy to describe but it was inspired by the likes of the old tv show Reboot and video games.

They get stuck in the game so they go to find more stuff needed to progress.

Suzy and Cory talk about their fear of deep sea creatures. There are some freaky looking things down there.

Their conversation is the main draw of this series I think.

Monday 2 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 71


First post about Super Mario Galaxy! By gum, it's been a while since they played this goodness.

They open with Luigi and Toad impressions. The Toad domestic drama is pretty funny.

Arin and Danny have a pretty interesting conversation about comedy, stand-up comedy and how weird internet video comedy can be. Very nice and cosy conversation while they do a lava level. Danny looks up some jokes from the 1940s online and gets some weird results.

As Arin moves on to a water level Danny reads out jokes from joke books throughout the ages.

They sound nutty and the "pop" one sounds almost Dickensian! Are they real joke books or is that part of the joke too?