Tuesday 3 November 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Part 72

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBZ_QZDduqU

Back with Arin and Danny as they play the Bubble Blastoff mission. They wander around trying to find out what to do and in the meantime they talk about stadium names and how companies pay to have it named after them. They wonder what Arin Stadium would be like.

They exit the stage and try the Melty Molten Galaxy again. During this they talk about the American restaurant chain Denny's. Arin says it's pretty special to him because of memories. Later they talk about pancakes from Perkin's, another eatery chain.

Danny shares his experience of going to a Perkin's in rural Alabama. Sounds like a tense situation!

Another pancake story is shared about Arin eating a massive amount of them which is pretty amusing. Danny says he has pictures. I wonder if they're online?

As for me, I like the crepe style of pancake with lemon juice and sugar! Mm!

At the end of the video, Danny says he'll miss us and that he loves us. Thanks man! We love you too! I'll miss them both too until the next video.

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