Wednesday 19 July 2017

animate-a-grump - entire battle kid finale animated!


This cartoon is a collaboration of many of the various talented animators that work on the Game Grumps Animated shorts that recreates the third and final episode of Battle Kid, including the plant battle with all the hilarious raging and improvised storytelling!

By the way, my handle has no relation to Rocket Raccoon or Rocket The Hedgehog :)

It is so nice to revisit this episode and this cartoon was a great excuse to do it :)

Lots of ranting by Arin, insane amounts of laughing by Danny and Ross pops in at the end too when Arin hits "End". Good times!

When the cartoon adaptation is over, the credits roll and it showcases avatars of all the artists that came together to do this. It's awesome and has lovely music and remixing of dialogue :)

"Arin was harmed in the making of this video" LOL!

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