Sunday 16 July 2017

emily is away too part 3 - someone please date the main character


Suzy chooses stuff for her IM profile that would appeal to Emily. Aw...

They chat with Emily and Evelyn.

"She's not gonna like us now" is a dangerous thing to think when you admit that you don't drink!

It was possible to not be friends on Facebook yet in 2006. Or in this case, Facenook :P

Suzy coos at signs of flirting and romance... but Evelyn talks about her ex-boyfriend.


She decides on Bigboss as a codename and evee for Evelyn :)

They talk about romances and futures before Evelyn has to log off to take a shower.

Then Emily comes online. Chatting with her next time.

Chatting with two girls sounds exciting, but it'll probably fizzle into nothing like in the last game. I don't have any hope for the main character finding love and romance. :(

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