Tuesday 4 July 2017

goldeneye 007 with special guests paul f. tompkins & tim baltz -

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6yW42sHPuQ

Arin and Danny have Paul F Tompkins and Tim Baltz from Bajillion Dollar Properties as guests to play GoldenEye 007. They all appear before the video to introduce themselves!

They're playing the N64 version :)

They only have 3 controllers so Danny is coaching Arin.

Arin starts out pretty well against them!

They reminisce on the times when this game came out.

Arin gets caught in proximity mines and the laughing is really good to hear :)

When they all get proximity mines blasted in their face at the same time the laughing is something else!

The next match is a slap fight! It's like Three Stooges or something :P

After slapping for a while, they calm down a bit and the guests talk about their show.

They all talk about making a show in general and what it's like. Sounds tough.

"All I saw was a top hat come in, and all hell broke loose!". Pretty good quote there :)

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