Sunday 30 July 2017

miitopia part 1 - coincidental tooting


Grumpcade is finally back and so is Ross! Holly and Jimmy Whetzel are here too to play Miitopia together!

They gotta update the system first. Modern gaming!

Holly asks if we like cold pizza or warm pizza. Cold pizza can be nice but I prefer it freshly made and cooked.

They start the story and it's all about Miis' faces being stolen by a bad dude.

So you can use the touch screen to move around the town? Reminds me of Super Mario 64 DS!

They pick Brian to look like the Mii Dark Lord. Suits him very well!

Poor Danny's model doesn't have a face. Maybe next time!

Arin and Suzy are shown as a Lovey-Dovey Couple. How does the game know?!

Projared is here as the Sarcastic Guy :)

Barry's the Dubious Mayor. Neat!

This game seems an alright RPG so far... Jimmy and Holly have to do a rock paper scissors to be the next partner. Holly wins and she gets to be a Mage and joins the party.

Ross' character really does run weird!

Hmm... looks like movement isn't really freestyle. It's all linear.

Hooray they find an inn just when it gets dark!

Wow! It's hilarious how ingame Ross is being asked if he just tooted and he actually farted in real life at that moment! Freaky coincidence :)

Wow! Boss Butterfly Danny!

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