Thursday 13 July 2017

dream daddy part 2 - vernon wants ddadds trending!


Suzy and Vernon enjoy the dad-jokey acronym for the full title of this game, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, which is DDADDS :)

Vernon really wants that to catch on! I'll help by putting it in the title. :)

Suzy tries to avoid sneezing... maybe I shouldn't have said that!

They meet Joseph, a father of four. He's got a winking problem! Not to worry, it's just an early pre-release glitch :)

"that baby's a shill" she says. Jeez!

They meet Mat, the owner of the coffee shop. Vernon says it's a self-insert character. It's based on himself? :)

Ska is still cool :(

Mat's got a daughter.

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