Tuesday 11 July 2017

paper mario ttyd part 86 - naming toads and facing lord crump

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVJGCqdFFfc

Danny and Arin's new friend Stinky Steve points to a crack in the wall where they may escape.

Procrastinator Pete is awesome too :) love the way they give names to the Toads!

Barfy Ben's another one :) who needs Goombella to tell you what their names are! :)

Lord Crump of the X-Nauts shows up with a black ship and finally loses his disguise as Four-Eyes.

They all head back to Cortez to look for help. Some interesting developments!

Then it's a battle with Lord Crump and the X-Nauts! Pretty sweet battle to start with and Danny gets a BINGO! too! Yay!

Great time for a Whacka Bump :) helps them make that final push for victory! Things worked out really nicely.

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