Sunday 9 July 2017

paper mario ttyd part 84 - 99 bottles of fear on the wall


Danny and Arin face the big pink Bob-ombs they were trying to avoid the whole time.

Their size is kinda scary but they were able to deal with them before they had a chance to make their move.

They use the paper boat ability to make all the way to the gate handle. Yay!

"99 bottles of FEAR on the wall?" caught me off guard too :P

Arin talks about how he got the bumps on his head. Yowch...

Aw... Arin fails at not being sweet :)

They cycle through types of fish in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice :)

They free up many Toads and the pianta couple from earlier :)

Arin and Danny both read out some dialogue at the same time, just like when Goku and Vegeta do a fusion!

Funny seeing them going past all the Toads like that. "sorry! sorry! sorry!".

"Soap Opers"? I've never heard it being said that way before!

They finally meet the owner of the ghostly voice on the ship. It's a big pirate skull head! Boss fight next time no doubt! Yeah!

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