Sunday 23 July 2017

doodle doods episode 19 - yu-gi-oh featuring ricepirate - time to d-d-doodle


Ross and Chris OneyNG have Mick aka Ricepirate along today to draw Yu-Gi-Oh characters.

I never got into Yu-Gi-Oh at all so I know nothing about the characters.

They start with Kaiba. Mick talks about what he likes about it and about playing the card game on the phone. Ross draws him with an UNO card :) Chris draws him nicely detailed and Mick has a good sketch.

Next is Joey, the one known for having the weird meme face. They talk about online games. I'm not too big into the online gaming either. They all do their own version of the meme face :)

Next is Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Chris gets distracted and draws other things and talks about Danny DeVito :) They talk about various other things too like Ross' accent. They all eventually do a baby version of this character.

Next up is Marik. Chris says he isn't a fan of pennies. I like them still. Mick talks about the time a lady wanted to take his hat and shirt. Strange... Chris can give me money if he likes! They all draw him making faces.

Next is Yugi himself. They all draw him with wacky expressions.

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